Global Mirror session example

The following Assembler program is an example of how to start a Global Mirror session. The session will consist of a master storage control (serial number 0000000FC108) and three subordinate storage controls (serial numbers 000000018598, 000000018299, and 0000000FC132). The master storage control has LSSs corresponding to SSIDs B000 and B080. The subordinate storage controls have LSSs corresponding to SSIDs C100, 6000, and 8200. The GM session number is BC, and volume ZBOB40 is used as the access device

After coming back from ANTRQST, fields RTNCD and RSNCD are checked. If ANTRQST processing detects any syntax errors (for example, the action is specified as BEGIN instead of START) the error information is placed in RTNCD and RSNCD. If syntax checking is successful, the request is sent to address space ANTAS000 for processing. The first eight bytes of the return information field (RETINFO) contains the results of the execution.

Figure 1. Global Mirror Session Example
RSESSION CSECT ,                                                                
RSESSION AMODE 31                                                               
RSESSION RMODE ANY                                                              
         USING *,15                                                             
         B     @PROLOG                                                          
         DC    CL1' '                                                           
         DC    CL8'RSESSION'                                                    
         DC    CL1' '                                                           
         DC    CL8'&SYSDATC'                                                    
         DC    CL1' '                                                           
         DC    CL8'&SYSTIME'                                                    
         DC    CL1' '                                                           
         DROP  15                                                               
@PROLOG  STM   14,12,12(13)                                                     
         LR    12,15                                                            
@PSTART  EQU   RSESSION                                                         
         USING @PSTART,12                                                       
         L     0,@SIZDATD                                                       
         GETMAIN RU,LV=(0)                                                      
         LR    15,13                                                            
         LR    13,01                                                            
         USING @DATD,13                                                         
         ST    15,4(,13)                                                        
         ST    13,8(,15)                                                        
         LM    15,01,16(15)                                                     
         MVC   SNBR,=XL1'BC'                                                    
         MVC   VOLSER,=CL6'ZBOB40'                                              
         MVC   ACTION,=CL12'START'                                              
         MVC   MSSERIAL,=CL12'0000000FC108'                                     
Figure 2. Global Mirror Session Example (continued)
*  Fill in subordinate storage controlinformation                                                   
         MVC   SBNBR,=XL1'03'                                                   
         MVC   SBMSSID1,=XL2'B000'                                              
         MVC   SBSSSID1,=XL2'C100'                                              
         MVC   SBSSERIAL1,=CL12'000000018598'                                   
         MVC   SBMSSID2,=XL2'B080'                                              
         MVC   SBSSSID2,=XL2'6000'                                              
         MVC   SBSSERIAL2,=CL12'000000018299'                                   
         MVC   SBMSSID3,=XL2'B080'                                              
         MVC   SBSSSID3,=XL2'8200'                                              
         MVC   SBSSERIAL3,=CL12'0000000FC132'                                   
*  Invoke ANTRQST                                                               
         ANTRQST ILK=ESSRVCS,                                          X        
               REQUEST=RSESSION,                                       X        
               SNBR=SNBR,                                              X        
               VOLSER=VOLSER,                                          X        
               ACTION=ACTION,                                          X        
               MSSERIAL=MSSERIAL,                                      X        
               SBINFO=SBINFO,                                          X        
               RETINFO=XRETINFO,                                       X        
               RETCODE=RTNCD,                                          X        
               RSNCODE=RSNCD,                                          X        
         CLC   RTNCD,=F'0'          * Good return from syntax checking          
         BE    SKIP                 * Yes                                       
         MVC   RTCD,RTNCD           * No - save return code                     
         MVC   RSCD,RSNCD           *      save reason code                     
         B     ERROR                                                            
SKIP     DS    0H                                                               
         MVC   RTCD,RTC             * Get return code from RETINFO              
         MVC   RSCD,RSC             * Get reason code from RETINFO              
         CLC   RTCD,=F'0'           * Good return from execution                
         BNE   ERROR                * No                                        
*  Do REQUEST=RSESSION processing                                               
         B     FINISH                                                           
ERROR    DS    0H                                                               
         CLC   RTCD,=A(RQST_PC_NUMBER_ZERO) * Have the API PC number?           
         BNE   FINISH                * Yes                                      
         WTO   'ANTAS000 NOT ACTIVE' * No                                       
FINISH   DS    0H                                                               
         L     2,RTCD                                                           
         L     3,RSCD                                                           
         LR    1,13                                                             
         L     13,4(,13)                                                        
         LA    15,0                                                             
         L     0,@SIZDATD                                                       
         FREEMAIN RU,LV=(0),A=(1),SP=(15)                                       
         LR    15,2                                                             
         LR    0,3                                                              
         L     14,12(,13)                                                       
         LM    1,12,24(13)                                                      
         BR    14                                                               
Figure 3. Global Mirror Session Example (continued)
@SIZDATD DS    0A                                                               
         DC    AL1(0)                                                           
         DC    AL3(@DYNSIZE)                                                    
@DATD    DSECT                                                                  
         DS    18F                                                              
RTNCD    DS    F                                                                
RSNCD    DS    F                                                                
RTCD     DS    F                                                                
RSCD     DS    F                                                                
XRETINFO DS    0F,CL100                                                         
         ORG   XRETINFO                                                         
RTC      DS    F                                                                
RSC      DS    F                                                                
         ORG   XRETINFO+100                                                     
SNBR     DS    XL1                                                              
VOLSER   DS    CL6                                                              
ACTION   DS    CL12                                                             
MSSERIAL DS    CL12                                                             
subordinate storage control  DS    0CL49                                                            
SBNBR    DS    XL1                                                              
SBMSSID1 DS    XL2                                                              
SBSSSID1 DS    XL2                                                              
SBSSERIAL1 DS  CL12                                                             
SBMSSID2 DS    XL2                                                              
SBSSSID2 DS    XL2                                                              
SBSSERIAL2 DS  CL12                                                             
SBMSSID3 DS    XL2                                                              
SBSSSID3 DS    XL2                                                              
SBSSERIAL3 DS  CL12                                                             
         ANTRQSTL NAME=P_LIST,BASE=0F                                           
         ORG   *+1-(*-@DATD)/(*-@DATD)                                          
@ENDDATD DS    0X                                                               
@DYNSIZE EQU   ((@ENDDATD-@DATD+7)/8)*8                                         
         END   RSESSION