Mobile testing overview

The mobile testing capabilities of IBM® Rational® Test Workbench automate the creation, execution, and analysis of functional and performance tests for web applications on Android and iOS devices.

Stages in the testing process

The goal of mobile testing is to ensure that your mobile application meets the requirements that guided its design and development. To help you meet this goal, Rational Test Workbench implements the following stages in the testing process:
  • Installation and configuration: Set up your Android test environment with Rational Test Workbench and the Android SDKs. Install the mobile test client on one or more Android devices. Unless you are in a secure environment, ensure that the mobile devices have WiFi or cellular connectivity, and add those devices to the test workbench. In secure environments, install the Android mobile test client with a USB connection and the adb tool that is provided with the Android SDK. For iOS devices, no installation is needed. See Installing the mobile test client on the iOS Simulator for details about installation on iOS Simulators.
  • Test recording: Run the app from the mobile test client to start a recording. The recorder app records all user interactions, sensor inputs, and application behavior, and then uploads the recorded data to the test workbench, where it can be converted into a mobile test.
  • Test editing: After recording, you can edit the test in the natural language editor. You can use the mobile data view to display and select UI elements from the recorded applications. You can replace recorded test values with variable test data or add dynamic data to the test.
  • Test execution: You can run automated tests on multiple devices to ensure that the app matches the expected behavior defined in verification points. During the run, each verification point is checked and receives a pass, fail, or inconclusive status. Information about each step is saved in the test results. When running a test, you can also measure the performance of the application and the device. Resources such as processor, physical memory, network traffic in and out, and battery of the mobile device and the application under test function as performance indicators.
  • Evaluation of results: After the test runs, the device uploads the test data to the test workbench. You evaluate the test results through the performance and verification point reports that are generated with the uploaded data. You can also design custom reports by manipulating a wide range of counters. Functional reports provide a comprehensive view of the behavior of the app under test. Reports can be exported and archived for validation.

The test workbench

You can install the test workbench on a Windows, Linux, or Apple Macintosh computer. The following main components in the test workbench are designed specifically to help you test mobile apps:
  • A test navigator lists test projects, tests, mobile devices, and the mobile incoming recordings that are used to generate tests.

    Test Navigator

  • A device editor lists the devices that are connected to the test workbench. This editor displays detailed specifications of each device, which allows you to select the hardware platforms on which you can deploy and run your tests.

    Mobile Devices

  • An application editor lists the apps that are available for testing.

    Mobile and Web UI Applications

  • A test editor enables you to edit test scripts in natural language and add actions, verification points, datasets, test variables, or stubs in your script steps.

    Test editor

  • A mobile data view displays the screen captures that were uploaded from the mobile device during the recording. Use this view to display and select user interface (UI) elements and optionally add verification points to the test script.

Support for testing web applications

Use the test workbench to test web applications.

A browser-based web application is developed using pure web technologies, such as HTML 5, CSS3, and JavaScript libraries, such as Dojo and JQuery. Web applications are developed to run in multiple browsers and are platform-independent. This release includes support for Dojo Mobile 1.9 and jQuery Mobile 1.3.

Performance testing

In addition to testing the functional aspects of an app, you can test the performance of an app. When a mobile test is recorded and its steps are successfully run, response time is calculated for each user action and reported in the mobile web report and statistical report.

You can also monitor the application and device's resources such as CPU, physical and virtual memory, network traffic in and out, and battery level. You can use this data to evaluate application and device performance. After you enable resource monitoring and run the report, the Resources tab in the statistical report displays the charts for each resource.
Note: To capture Response Time and Resource Monitoring data about mobile application and device's resources, you must have Android 2.2 or newer.
For more information, see the following topics:

Video tutorials

For additional guidance about mobile testing, see the Testing mobile applications with the product playlist on YouTube.
