Error messages and warnings

A warning or error message might be displayed in the user interface to provide information about the adapter or when an error occurs.

The table lists the error messages and warnings that might occur while performing the user account or group management tasks, where applicable.It also includes the corrective actions to resolve the errors.

Table 1. Troubleshooting Lotus Notes adapter errors
General errors
Error message Possible cause Solution
Error in initializing the Notes® session - No Error Message Available The directory path of the nnotes.dll file does not exist in the Path system variable. Add the directory path of the nnotes.dll file to the Path variable of the system variables and run the adapter again.
Multiple users contain the same Common Name (common name of users) in NoteIDsAddressBook (database file name). The NoteIDsAddressBook.nsf database file contains some users with the same common name common name of users. Change the common names of users accordingly.
Multiple users contain the same Common Name (common name of users) in Certlog.nsf. The Certlog.nsf database file contains some users with the same common name common name of users. Change the common names of users accordingly.
Multiple Users contain the same User ID (user name) in Domino® Address Book. The Domino address book contains some users with same user ID. The Domino address book contains some users with same user ID. Change the user IDs of users accordingly.
Certification Log (CERTLOG.NSF) is not found on the Domino Server. Cannot update User's (user name) information into it. This error occurs when the adapter fails to find the Certlog.nsf database file on the Lotus® Domino server.

The adapter stores the user's ID file and password in the Certlog.nsf database file during the add, password change, and recertify administration process requests.

Create the Certlog.nsf database file on the Lotus Domino server.
Error in getting the Certifier Context for the Certifier ID file (cert id file name) - Notes Error Message. This error occurs when the adapter fails to get the certifier context for the certifier ID file. Ensure that the certifier ID file path and the certifier password is correctly specified.
Incorrect (case sensitive) Certification (cert ID file path) password. This error occurs when the certifier context is not retrieved for user account creation or password change operation. Ensure that the correct certifier password is supplied with the request.
The registry key Store ERUID in FullName value cannot be FALSE in this scenario of registry setting. This error occurs when the Lotus Notes Adapter fails to find a place to store the value of user ID (ERUID). Change the values of the following registry keys in such a way that ERUID is stored in an appropriate field of the person document:
  • Store ERUID in FullName
  • Use ShortName
  • CustomERUID
No server document found for the Domino Server (server name) This error occurs when the adapter fails to find a server document for the Lotus Domino server. Ensure that a server document exists for the Lotus Domino server; otherwise create one.
Multiple server documents found for the Domino Server (server name) This error occurs when the adapter finds multiple server documents for the Lotus Domino server. Ensure that only the appropriate server document exists on the Lotus Domino server.
No AdminP request to execute with this operation. This message occurs when you perform the add or the modify operation without specifying any AdminP command attributes. You can ignore this message.
Table 2. Errors during the add operation
Errors during the add operation
Error message Possible cause Solution
Length of User ID (user id) cannot be greater than 255 characters. The user ID (user id) specified contains more than 255 characters. Specify a user ID that contains less than 255 characters.
First Name (first name) of this User contains invalid characters. The value of the First Name attribute contains invalid characters such as: +, ~, !, #, $, %, ^, *, (, ), {, }. Use the following characters to specify the value of the First Name attribute:
  • letters (A to Z, a to z)
  • numbers
  • ampersand
  • apostrophe
  • hyphen
  • period
  • space
  • underscore
Last Name (last name) of this User contains invalid characters. The value of the Last Name attribute contains invalid characters such as: +, ~, !, #, $, %, ^, *, (, ), {, }. Use the following characters to specify the value of the Last Name attribute:
  • letters (A to Z, a to z)
  • numbers
  • ampersand
  • apostrophe
  • hyphen
  • period
  • space
  • underscore
The specified Mail Template file (mail template file name) does not exist on Domino Server. Default template will be used for Mail file. This warning occurs when the mail template file mail template file name specified does not exist on the Lotus Domino server. Specify the name of the mail template file that exists on the Lotus Domino server. If the specified mail template file does not exist on the Lotus Domino server, then the default template is used for the mail file.
Mail file (mail file) already present. Specify a different Mail file for this User. The mail file (mail file) specified already exists on the Lotus Domino server. Specify another value for the mail file.
Length of User's Mail file including its path (mail file with path) should not be greater than 100. The mail file (mail file with path) specified contains more than 100 characters. Specify the mail file name with its path that contains less than 100 characters.
User password cannot be empty. Specify a User Password for creating a new User. You have not specified a password for the user account. Ensure that a password is specified while creating a user account.
User with this (user name) ID is already present. Create User with a unique User ID from IBM® Security Identity Manager. A user account with this user ID (user ID) already exists on the Lotus Domino server. Create a user with another user ID.
UNC path should not be given for the Mail Template file (template file name) path. You have specified an UNC path (for example, \\machinename\directoryname\a.nsf) for the Mail Template Name attribute. Specify a path relative to the data directory on the Lotus Domino server.
UNC path should not be given for the Mail file (mail file name) path. You have specified an UNC path (for example, \\machinename\directoryname\a.nsf) for the Mail File attribute. Specify a path relative to the data directory on the Lotus Domino server.
Mail file (mail file name) path is not relative to data directory of Domino. You have specified an absolute path (for example, C:\Domino\Notes\data\a.nsf) or UNC path (for example, \\machinename\directoryname\a.nsf) for the mail file mail file name. Specify a path relative to the data directory on the Lotus Domino server.
Mail Template file (mail template name) path is not relative to data directory of Domino. You have specified absolute path (for example, C:\Domino\Notes\data\a.ntf) or UNC path (for example, \\machinename\directoryname\a.ntf) for the mail template file mail template name. Specify a path relative to the data directory on the Lotus Domino server.
CERTLOG.NSF is not found on server. Will not use to record registered Users. This warning occurs when you create a user from IBM Security Identity Manager and the Certlog.nsf database file does not exist on the Lotus Domino server. This warning message indicates that the user's entry is not registered in the CertLog.nsf database file. Create the CertLog.nsf database file on the Lotus Domino server.
(user name) Address Book entry already exists. The user (user name) already exists on the Lotus Domino server. Create a user with another user name.
Cannot update User's (user name) information into NoteIDsAddressBook (database file name) database file. This file is not present on Domino Server. The Lotus Notes Adapter cannot update the user's (user name) information in the NoteIDsAddressBook (database file name) database file because this database file does not exist on the Lotus Domino server. Create the NoteIDsAddressBook (database file name) database file on the Lotus Domino server.
Cannot update User's (user name) information into CertLog.nsf database file. This file is not present on Domino Server. The Lotus Notes Adapter cannot update the user's (user name) information in the Certlog.nsf database file because this database file does not exist on the Lotus Domino server. Create the Certlog.nsf database file on the Lotus Domino server.
Registry settings Use ShortName and CustomEruid cannot be used at the same time. Use one of these registry settings for ERUID. You have specified values for both the Use ShortName and the CustomEruid registry keys when creating the user account. These registry keys are mutually exclusive. Specify a value for only one of the two registry keys at the time of creating a user account.
Registry settings Use ShortName, CustomEruid, and Use ITIM_ERUID cannot be used at the same time. Use one of these registry settings for ERUID. You have specified values for the Use ShortName, CustomEruid, and Use ITIM_ERUID registry keys when creating the user account. These registry keys are mutually exclusive. Specify a value for only one of the three registry keys at the time of creating a user account.
Log database file (database file name) does not exist on Domino Server. Cannot Update User information into it. This warning message indicates that the log database file (database file name) does not exist on the Lotus Domino server. Create a log database file on the Lotus Domino server.
Add operation did not complete successfully. Refer to agent log for details. Some error occurred during the add operation. See the agents log files for the details of the errors that occurred during the add operation.
All AdminP attributes for the AdminP process are not complete. This error occurs when an AdminP command is run without specifying the required attributes. Specify all the attributes required for corresponding AdminP command.
Roaming User access cannot be set as In progress in ADD operation. Notes Adapter will not create user with roaming access. You have specified the value of the User can roam attribute as In Progress on the Notes account form. Specify the value of the User can roam attribute as Yes or No.
Attribute User Can Roam cannot be set to In Progress.
Roaming access cannot be granted for a SameTime only account. Roaming user must have an ID file. This error occurs when you attempt to grant roaming access to a user having a Sametime® only account. You cannot grant roaming access to a Sametime only user because a Sametime only user does not possess an ID file. Make sure that you do not grant roaming access to a Sametime only user.
'Lotus iNotes/Domino CAL' value cannot be specified for a Roaming user account. Roaming user must have an ID file. This error occurs when a user has roaming access and the value of the Client License attribute for a roaming user is specified as Lotus iNotes/Domino CAL. In this case, the user that is created on the Lotus Domino server becomes a Web client user. A Web client user cannot have roaming access because a Web client user does not possess an ID file.

Make sure that you do not specify roaming attributes for a Web client user.

Value for Clean-up interval must be in the range of 1 to 365 days. Clean-Up Setting will be set to default 'Do not Clean up'. This warning message occurs when you specify a value for the Clean-up interval attribute that is not in the range of 1 to 365. Specify a value between 1 and 365 for the Clean-up interval attribute.
Attribute Clean-up interval on Roaming TAB can be specified only if Roaming clean up setting is periodic. This warning message occurs when you specify a value other than Clean-up periodically for the Clean-up setting attribute, and specify a value for the Clean-up interval attribute. Specify a value for the Clean-up interval attribute only if the value of the Clean-up setting attribute is Clean-up periodically.
Default value of 365 days will be set for Roaming Clean-up interval. During the add operation, if you specify the Clean-up setting attribute as Clean-up periodically and do not specify any value for the Clean-up interval attribute, then by default, the adapter sets the clean up interval as 365. You can ignore this message.
Roaming user subfolder must be specified to create a user with Roaming Access. This error occurs when you do not specify a value for the User subfolder attribute on the Notes account form and the value of the User can roam attribute is Yes. Specify a value for the User subfolder attribute, which is a required attribute for creating a roaming user.
Cannot upgrade the roaming access of the user as no roaming server specified. This error occurs when you do not specify a value for the Roaming Server attribute on the Notes account form and the value of the User can roam attribute is Yes. Specify a value for the Roaming Server attribute, which is a required attribute for creating a roaming user.
User will not be granted Roaming Access. This message occurs when the User can roam attribute is set to No. This message indicates that the user does not have roaming access. You can ignore this message.
Error in reading policy document. This error occurs when an explicit policy specified on IBM Security Identity Manager does not exist on the Lotus Domino server. Ensure that the explicit policy that you specify on the Notes account form also exists on the Lotus Domino server.
Assigned Policy is supported for Domino Server Version 7 and above.

This error occurs when you specify an explicit policy for the Lotus Domino server version 6.0 or earlier.

Use the Lotus Domino server version 7.0 or later for adding user accounts with an explicit policy.
Table 3. Errors during the modify operation
Errors during the modify operation
Error message Possible cause Solution
Modified User ID (user ID) cannot be greater than 255 characters. The user ID modified with the value (user ID) contains more than 255 characters. Modify the user ID with a value that contains less than 255 characters.
Non-modifiable attributes which cannot be set are -- attribute names You tried to modify values of any of the following attributes that are non-modifiable:
  • Mail File
  • Mail Template Name
  • User ID in CertLog
  • Save ID In Address Book
Do not modify the non-modifiable attributes.
User with this User ID (user ID) is already present on Domino Server. Cannot modify User ID. The user ID modified with the value (user ID) is already a user ID of another user on the Lotus Domino server. Modify the User ID attribute with another value.
User (user name) is not found in Domino Address Book. This error message occurs when User ID is not present on the Domino Server. This is a case, when a user is created from IBM Security Identity Manager and deleted from Domino directly. Perform the reconciliation operation.
Modify operation not completed successfully. Refer to agent log for details. This error message indicates the status of the modify operation. Refer the agents log file for the details of the error occurred.
All AdminP attributes for the AdminP process are not complete. This error occurs when you run an AdminP command without specifying the required attributes for that command. Specify all the required attributes for running the AdminP command.
Roaming User Attribute attribute name cannot be modified. This error occurs when you attempt to modify the following attributes on the Roaming page of the Notes account form:
  • Roaming Server
  • User subfolder
  • Roaming replica Servers
Modify roaming attributes only when upgrading a non-roaming user to roaming user.
Roaming attributes of SametimeOnly user cannot be modified.

This error occurs when you specify roaming attributes for a Sametime only user.

You cannot specify roaming attributes for a Sametime only user because a Sametime only user cannot have roaming access.

Ensure that you do not specify roaming attributes for a Sametime only user.
Roaming attributes of user with Client License 'Lotus iNotes/Domino CAL' cannot be modified. This error occurs when you specify roaming attributes for a Web client user. A Web client user cannot have roaming access because a Web client user does not possess an ID file. Ensure that you do not specify roaming attributes for a Web client user.
The HTTP Password attribute cannot be modified for a user not having ID File. Please perform a User Password change operation. This error occurs when you specify a value for the Internal (Internet/HTTP) Password attribute for a user that does not possess an ID file. If the user does not have an ID file, then perform the password change operation to modify the value of the HTTP password.
Cannot Modify Roaming Attributes other than (User Can Roam) while degrading roaming access. This error occurs when you attempt to modify any of the following roaming attributes during the degradation of a roaming user to a non-roaming user:
  • Roaming Server
  • Roaming replica Servers
  • User subfolder
  • Clean-up setting
  • Clean-up interval
Ensure that during the degradation of a roaming user to a non-roaming user, you do not modify roaming attributes except the User can roam attribute on the Roaming page of the Notes account form.
Cannot upgrade roaming access for user. User is either already roaming or roaming access is in progress. This error occurs when the value of the User can roam attribute on the Notes account form is Yes, and in the person document of the user, the value of the User can roam attribute is either Yes or In Progress.

If the value of the User can roam attribute in the person document is Yes, then you cannot upgrade roaming access for the user, because the user is already a roaming user.

If the value of the User can roam attribute in the person document is In Progress, then wait until the status of the user changes to roaming.

Cannot degrade roaming access for user. User is already non-roaming user. This error occurs when the value of the User can roam attribute on the Notes account form and the person document is No. If the value of the User can roam attribute in the person document is No, then you cannot degrade roaming access for the user, because the user is already a non-roaming user.
Table 4. Errors during the suspend operation
Errors during the suspend operation
Error message Possible cause Solution
Suspend-Restore Group Key Name not present in registry. You have not specified any value in the registry key Suspend Group or the key itself does not exist in the adapter's registry. Ensure that the Suspend Group registry key with a proper value exists in the adapter's registry.
User (user name) is already a member of Suspend Group. Cannot be suspended. You attempted to suspend a user (user name), who already exists in the suspend group (group name) on the Lotus Domino server. Ensure that you do not suspend a user who already exists in a suspend group on the Lotus Domino server.
HTTP Group Key is not found in registry. Cannot update User (user name) in HTTP Group. This error occurs when the Suspend HTTPPassword registry key does not exist under the adapter registry or the value of the registry key is blank. Ensure that the Suspend HTTPPassword registry key exists under the adapter registry and has a proper value.
Table 5. Errors during the restore operation
Errors during the restore operation
Error message Possible cause Solution
Suspend-Restore Group Key Name not present in registry. You have not specified any value in the registry key Suspend Group or the key itself does not exist in the adapter's registry. Ensure that the Suspend Group registry key with a proper value exists in the adapter's registry.
User (user name) is not a member of Suspend Group. Cannot be restored. You have attempted to restore the user (user name) who is active and whose name does not exist in the suspend group (group name) on the Lotus Domino server. Ensure that you do not restore an active user.
HTTP Group Key is not found in registry. Cannot update User (user name) in HTTP Group. This error message occurs, when the registry value for the key Suspend HTTPPassword is not present or the key itself is not present in the Agents registry. Ensure that the Suspend HTTPPassword registry key exists under the adapter registry and has a proper value.
Table 6. Errors during the delete operation
Errors during the delete operation
Error message Possible cause Solution
Delete Group Name is not present in the registry. Cannot add User (User name) to Delete Group. This warning occurs when the adapter fails to find the deleted user (user name) in the delete group on the Lotus Domino server. Probable cause could be one of the following:
  • You have not specified any value in the Delete Group registry key.
  • The key itself does not exist in the adapter's registry.
Ensure that the Delete Group registry key with a proper value exists in the adapter's registry.
NoteIDsAddressBook (database file name) database file is not found on Domino Server. Cannot delete User's (user name) information from it. This warning occurs when you attempt to delete the user's (user name) entry from the NotesIDsAddrressBook database file name database file, and the adapter fails to find the NotesIDsAddrressBook (database file name) database file on the Lotus Domino server. Ensure that the NotesIDsAddrressBook database file name database file exists on the Lotus Domino server at the time of user creation.
Registry Setting for Delete Mail database is FALSE. User's (user name) Mail file is not deleted. This warning message indicates that the user's (user name) mail file is not deleted during the delete operation. To delete the mail file of the user during the delete operation, set the value of the Delete Mail DB registry key to TRUE.
Delete operation is not completed successfully, refer agent log for details. This error message indicates the status of the delete operation. Refer the agents log file for the details of the error occurred.
Table 7. Errors during the password change operation
Errors during the password change operation
Error message Possible cause Solution
User's ID file is attached to this User's person document. After Change Password is done for this User, the new ID file must be taken from this User's person document. This is a warning message, which occurs when you create a user without specifying the value of the NoteIDsAddressBook registry key and the User ID in CertLog attribute. If you do not specify these parameters, the user ID file is attached to the person document. During the password change operation, the Lotus Notes Adapter uses the old password from the NotesIDsAddressBook.nsf and Certlog.nsf database files. If the adapter cannot find the old password from these two database files, the password change operation takes place without old password. The adapter re-registers the user and regenerates a new user ID file. Ensure that you specify the values of NoteIDsAddressBook registry key and the User ID in CertLog attribute at the time of user creation.
Unable to change Password for the User (user name) -- Notes Error Message This error message occurs when the password operation fails. The Notes Error Message gives the details of the actual cause for the failure of password change operation. Check the adapter's log file for the details of the error occurred during the password change operation.
Table 8. Errors during the reconciliation operation
Errors during the reconciliation operation
Error message Possible cause Solution
Error in getting Group Names and Members -- Notes Error Message This warning message occurs when the administrator used by the adapter does not have proper rights on the group documents that exist on the Lotus Domino server. Therefore, the adapter fails to read group documents. Ensure that the administrator used by the adapter has proper rights on the group documents on the Lotus Domino server.
Mail file name not found for User (user name). This warning message occurs when the adapter fails to find the mail file for the user (user name) on the Lotus Domino server. Ensure that the mail file of the user is not moved from the current location or is not deleted from the Lotus Domino server.