Legacy platform

Excluding line level discounts from order level discounts

You can specify that you do not want order level discounts applied on a line that already has line level discounts.

For example, an order total rule offers 10% off on all laptop items, as long as the customer spends more than $400. An item level rule offers 20% off on Laptop A. The customer has purchased Laptop A and Laptop B, and has spent more than $400.

If the PRC_TOTAL_RULE_INCL_ALL rule is enabled, which is the default, the pricing rules will not only give 20% off on Laptop A, it will also give 10% off on the entire order.

If the PRC_TOTAL_RULE_INCL_ALL rule is not enabled, the item level discount does not apply and the order level discount will give 10% off the entire order.