Logging In to Faspex


  1. Open a supported browser and enter the Faspex hostname or IP address followed by /aspera/faspex in the browser URL. For example:



  2. Log in with your credentials.
    If SAML configurations are available, you can choose to log in with a configured SAML provider or with your Faspex user credentials.

    If your administrator configured Faspex to use a default SAML configuration, Faspex automatically redirects you to the SAML login page. Login with your SAML credentials or login locally by bypassing the redirect.

    If you need to login with your Faspex user credentials or if you need to log in using another SAML configuration, you can bypass the redirect by adding login?local=true to the end of the URL. For example:

  3. If you are logging in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password and then asked to login with the new password.

    If you incorrectly enter your password too many times, Faspex locks your account. If enabled, you can select the Forgot password link from the login page to request a password reset email from Faspex. Once you reset your password, you can log into your account again.

  4. If prompted, install IBM Aspera Connect.

    You must have the latest version of Connect installed to transfer packages using Faspex. Faspex prompts you to install the Connect Browser if you do not have it installed or if your version is not the latest. If you install Connect, refresh your browser to start using Connect.

    For more information, see Faspex and Connect.