Active tasks - TASK
The Active tasks (TASK) views display information about currently executing tasks.
Supplied views
To access from the main menu, click:
View | Notes |
Identification details of a selected task |
Channel usage information about a selected task |
Task association data |
Clocks and timings information about a selected task |
Settings information about a selected task |
Request count information about a selected task |
Communications requests information about a selected task |
Storage usage information about a selected task |
TCP/IP usage information about a selected task |
CICS BTS requests information about a selected task |
CPU and TCB information about a selected task |
Detailed general information about a selected task |
Tabular information about currently executing tasks |
Action | Description |
FORCEPURGE | Force CICS to purge a task immediately, regardless of whether system or data integrity can be maintained. |
KILL | Force CICS to purge a task immediately when it cannot be cancelled using Purge or Forcepurge |
Field | Attribute name | Description |
Current ABEND code | ABCODEC | The identifier of the current abend code. |
Original ABEND code | ABCODEO | The name of the original abend code. |
Initial Application Name | ACAPPLNAME | The name of the initial application associated with this task. |
Initial Application Major Version | ACMAJORVER | The major version of the initial application associated with this task. |
Initial Application Micro Version | ACMICROVER | The micro version of the initial application associated with this task. |
Initial Application Minor Version | ACMINORVER | The minor version of the initial application associated with this task. |
Initial Application Operation | ACOPERNAME | The operation being performed by the initial application associated with this task. |
Initial Platform | ACPLATNAME | The name of the initial platform associated with this task. |
BTS activity ID | ACTVTYID | The CICS Business Transaction Services activity ID that this task represents. |
BTS activity name | ACTVTYNM | The CICS Business Transaction Services Activity Name that this task represents. |
Number of ALLOCATE requests | ALLOCATES | The number of ALLOCATE requests issued by this task. |
Application name - program | APPLNAMEPROG | Application naming program name. |
Application name - transaction | APPLNAMETRAN | Application naming transaction name. |
Task attach time | ATTACHTIME | The date and time at which the task was attached. This is expressed as local time. |
BTS activity data container requests | BAACDCCT | The number of Activity Data Container requests issued by this task. |
BTS acquire requests | BAACQPCT | The number of CICS Business Transaction Server (BTS) Acquire Process and Acquire Activity requests issued by this task. |
BTS define activity requests | BADACTCT | The number of Define Activity requests issued by this task. |
BTS delete activity and cancel requests | BADCPACT | The number of Delete Activity and Cancel Process/Activity requests issued by this task. |
BTS define input event requests | BADFIECT | The number of Define Input Event requests issued by this task. |
BTS define process requests | BADPROCT | The number of Define Process requests issued by this task. |
BTS link requests | BALKPACT | The number of Link Process/Activity requests issued by this task. |
BTS process data container requests | BAPRDCCT | The number of Process Data Container requests issued by this task. |
BTS run asynchronous requests | BARASYCT | The number of Run Process/Activity requests issued by this task in Asynchronous mode. |
BTS retrieve reattach event requests | BARATECT | The number of Retrieve Reattach Event requests issued by this task. |
BTS resume requests | BARMPACT | The number of Resume Process/Activity requests issued by this task. |
BTS reset requests | BARSPACT | The number of Reset ACQprocess/Activity requests issued by this task. |
BTS run synchronous requests | BARSYNCT | The number of Run Process/Activity requests issued by this task in Synchronised mode. |
BTS suspend requests | BASUPACT | The number of Suspend Process/Activity requests issued by this task. |
BTS timer associated event requests | BATIAECT |
The number of Timer Associated Event requests issued by this task. This field includes:-
BTS total data container requests | BATOTCCT | The total number of Data Container requests issued by this task. |
BTS total event requests | BATOTECT | The total number of Event requests issued by this task. |
BTS total requests | BATOTPCT | The total number of Process/Activity requests issued by this task. |
Total number of BMS requests | BMSCOUNT | The number of terminal control, or basic mapping support (BMS), requests issued by this user task, including MAP, IN, and OUT requests. |
Number of BMS map in requests | BMSINCNT | The number of BMS map in requests by this task. |
Number of BMS map requests | BMSMAPCNT | The number of BMS map requests by this task. |
Number of BMS map out requests | BMSOUTCNT | The number of BMS map out requests by this task. |
Transaction ID as started by bridge | BRDGTRAN |
Indicates whether this transaction was started by the 3270 bridge facility. The field will indicate not available if CICS monitoring
is not switched on.
Bridge transaction ID | BRIDGE | The original transaction ID of the current task as initiated by the 3270 bridge. |
3270 Bridge Facility Token | BRTOKEN | The 8 byte bridge facility token. |
Workload manager begin-to-end phase complete | BTECOMP | Workload manager begin-to-end phase complete. |
Number of GETMAIN requests in CDSA | CDSAGETM | The total number of CDSA GETMAIN requests. |
Maximum program storage in CDSA | CDSAPSHWM | The high-water mark number of bytes used by this task for programs in the CDSA. |
Peak number of bytes used by task in CDSA | CDSASHWM | The peak number of bytes used by this task in CDSA. |
Average CDSA storage usage | CDSASOCC | The average storage occupancy in the CDSA. This measures the area under the curve of storage in use against elapsed time. |
CEC machine type | CECMCHTP | CEC machine type number in EBCDIC. |
CEC model number | CECMDLID | CEC model identification number in EBCDIC. |
CFDT wait time | CFDTWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of Primary TC characters received | CHARIN | The number of primary terminal control characters received. |
Number of Secondary TC characters received | CHARINSEC | The number of secondary terminal control characters received. |
Number of Primary TC characters sent | CHAROUT | The number of primary terminal control characters sent. |
Number of Secondary TC characters sent | CHAROUTSEC | The number of secondary terminal control characters sent. |
Number of CICS dispatcher change modes | CHMODECT | The number of CICS Dispatcher TCB Change Mode requests issued by this task. |
CICS event wait time | CICSWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Client IP address | CLIPADDR | The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the client that initiated this task. |
Command level security status | CMDSEC |
Indicates whether command level security checking is in effect for this task.
Give-up-control wait time | CONTROLWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Correlation UOW id | CORREUOW | The ID of the correlation unit of work. |
User task CPU time | CPUTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Total CPU time on a CP | CPUTONCP | Total task CPU time on a standard CP |
Current program being executed | CURRENTPROG | The name of the currently executing program. |
Current tasks | CURTASKS | Current number of tasks value at the time the user task was attached. |
DB2 Connection (TCB) wait time | DB2CONWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
DB2 plan name | DB2PLAN | The DB2 plan associated with this task. |
DB2 ReadyQ wait time | DB2RDYQW |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Total number of DB2 requests | DB2REQCT | The number of DB2 Database requests (SQL and IFI) issued by this task. |
DB2 request wait time | DB2WAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Transaction type details | DETTRANTYPE | The details of the transaction type. Valid values are: BRIDGE, CICSBTS, DPL, MIRROR, NONE, ONCRPC, SYSTEM, WEB. |
Current container storage allocated to task. | DFHCHNL329 | The current container storage allocated to this task. |
Non-persistent sockets | DFHSOCK292 | The current number of non-persistent sockets associated with this task. |
Persistent sockets | DFHSOCK293 | The current number of persistent sockets associated with this task. |
Task storage UDSA | DFHSTOR033 | The UDSA storage for the task. |
Program storage - Total | DFHSTOR087 | Total program storage. |
Task storage EUDSA | DFHSTOR106 | EUDSA storage for the task. |
Program storage - Below | DFHSTOR108 | Program storage below the line. |
Task storage CDSA | DFHSTOR116 | CDSA storage for the Task. |
Task storage ECDSA | DFHSTOR119 | ECDSA storage for the Task. |
Program storage - ERDSA | DFHSTOR122 | ERDSA storage for the Program. |
Program storage - Above | DFHSTOR139 | Above the line program storage. |
Program storage - ECDSA | DFHSTOR142 | ECDSA storage for the Program. |
Program storage - CDSA | DFHSTOR143 | CDSA storage for the Program. |
Program storage - SDSA | DFHSTOR160 | SDSA storage for the Program. |
Program storage - ESDSA | DFHSTOR161 | ESDSA storage for the Program. |
Program storage - RDSA | DFHSTOR162 | RDSA storage for the Program. |
Task Storage - GCDSA | DFHSTOR442 | GCDSA storage for the Task. |
Task Storage - GUDSA | DFHSTOR444 | GUDSA storage for the Task. |
Current CICS dispatcher TCBs | DFHTASK252 | The current number of CICS dispatcher TCBs. |
Number of Document Create requests | DHCRECT | The number of document create requests issued by this task. |
Number of Document Insert requests | DHINSCT | The number of document insert requests issued by this task. |
Number of Document Retrieve requests | DHRETCT | The number of document retrieve requests issued by this task. |
Number of Document Set requests | DHSETCT | The number of document set requests issued by this task. |
Total number of Document requests | DHTOTCT | The total number of Document Handling requests issued by this task. |
Total length of documents created | DHTOTDCL | The total length of documents created by this task. |
User task dispatch time | DISPTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Dispatcher allocate pthread wait time | DSAPTHWT | The total time this task has waited for the CICS Dispatcher to allocate a pthread. |
First dispatch delay time | DSPDELAY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Dynamic transaction backout option | DTB |
Indicates how uncommitted changes made to recoverable resources by this task are handled if the task fails.
Deadlock timeout (seconds) | DTIMEOUT | Indicates the deadlock time-out interval (in seconds). CICS abends a task that waits longer than its deadlock timeout value for a locked resource. |
Transaction dump option | DUMPING |
Indicates whether transaction dumps will be taken if the task terminates abnormally.
Number of GETMAIN requests in ECDSA | ECDSAGETM | The total number of ECDSA GETMAIN requests. |
Maximum program storage in ECDSA | ECDSAPSHWM | The high-water mark number of bytes used by this task for programs in the ECDSA. |
Peak number of bytes used by task in ECDSA | ECDSASHWM | The peak number of bytes used by this transaction in ECDSA |
Average ECDSA storage usage | ECDSASOCC | The average storage occupancy in the ECDSA. This measures the area under the curve of storage in use against elapsed time. |
Delay time for enqueue | ENQDELAY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Workload manager execution phase complete | EXECOMP | Workload manager execution phase complete. |
External wait time | EXTERNWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Exception wait time | EXWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Principal facility | FACILITY | The name of the facility associated with initiation of this task, if that facility is a transient data queue or a terminal or system. If the task was initiated otherwise, the facility value is blanks. The FACILITYTYPE field tells you what type of facility caused task initiation, and therefore what FACILITY represents. |
Facility type | FACILITYTYPE |
The type of facility that initiated this task. Valid values are:
Number of file control WRITE requests | FCADDCNT | The total number of file control add/new record write requests issued by this task. |
Number of file control access method requests | FCAMCNT | The total number of Access Method (VSAM and BDAM) requests issued for this task by CICS file control. |
Number of file control browse requests | FCBRWCNT | The total number of file control getnext and getprevious requests issued by this task. |
Total number of file control requests | FCCOUNT | The number of file control requests issued by this user task, excluding OPEN, CLOSE, ENABLE, and DISABLE requests. |
Number of file control DELETE requests | FCDELCNT | The total number of file control delete requests issued by this task. |
Number of file control READ requests | FCGETCNT | The total number of file control get/read requests issued by this task. |
File control I/O wait time | FCIOTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of file control REWRITE requests | FCPUTCNT | The total number of file control put/write requests issued by this task. |
File control VSAM string wait time | FCVSWTT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
File control exclusive control wait time | FCXCWTT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
First program name | FIRSTPRGM | The name of the first program invoked at task-attach time. |
Number of GETMAIN requests in GCDSA | GCDSAGETM | The total number of GCDSA GETMAIN requests. |
Peak number of bytes used by task in GCDSA expressed in 4K pages | GCDSASHWM | Maximum amount (high-water mark) of user-storage (rounded up to the next 4K) allocated to the user task above the bar, in the CICS dynamic storage area (GCDSA). |
Global ENQ delay time | GNQDELAY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of GETMAIN requests in GUDSA | GUDSAGETM | The total number of GUDSA GETMAIN requests. |
Peak number of bytes used by task in GUDSA expressed in 4K pages | GUDSASHWM | Maximum amount (high-water mark) of user-storage (rounded up to the next 4K) allocated to the user task above the bar, in the user dynamic storage area (GUDSA). |
Number of interval control starts | ICCOUNT | The number of interval control START or INITIATE requests issued by this task. This includes the number of transactions started with EXEC CICS START transid commands, the number of Automatic Transaction Initiations, and the number of internally issued interval control initiates. |
User data provided by the bridge exit | IDENT | The identifier supplied by 3270 bridge which may be used to associate this CICS task with the input from the 3270 bridge. |
Total number of IMS requests | IMSREQCT | The number of IMS Database requests issued by this task. |
IMS request wait time | IMSWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Transaction in-doubt option | INDOUBT |
Indicates the action to be taken when a CICS region fails, or loses connectivity with its coordinator, during two-phase commit
processing, and the UOW has entered an in-doubt state. If WAIT is specified in the Wait Option field, this field
has no effect until the wait time expires. The valid values are:
Recovery manager UOW indoubt failure | INDOUBTFAIL | Indicates whether an in-doubt UOW is to wait pending recovery from a failure that occurs after the UOW has entered the in-doubt state. The valid values are WAIT and NOWAIT. |
In-doubt time (minutes) | INDOUBTMINS | The length of time, in minutes, after a failure during the in-doubt period, before the task is to take the action indicated in in-doubt Option field (COMMIT or BACKOUT). |
In-doubt wait option | INDOUBTWAIT | Indicates whether an in-doubt UOW is to wait pending recovery from a failure that occurs after the UOW has entered the in-doubt state. The valid values are WAIT and NOWAIT. |
Number of interval control requests | INTVLC | The total number of interval control START, CANCEL, DELAY and RETRIEVE requests issued by the user task. |
Interval control delay time | INTVLWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of IP facilities associated with task | IPFACCNT | The number of IP facilities currently associated with this task. |
Inter-region communication I/O wait time | IRIOTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Delay time waiting for IPIC session allocation | ISALWTT | The amount of time that this task has spent waiting for an IPIC session to be allocated. |
Data isolation type | ISOLATEST |
Identifies whether the user key task-lifetime storage is isolated from the user-key programs of other transactions.
J8 TCB mode CPU time | J8CPUT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Journal control I/O wait time | JCIOTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of journal output requests | JCUSRWCNT | The number of invoke web service requests issued by this task. |
Number of journal write requests | JRNLWRITREQ | The number of journal write requests issued by this task. |
Total Java virtual machine (JVM) suspend time | JVMSUSP |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Total Java virtual machine (JVM) elapsed time | JVMTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
L8 TCB mode CPU time | L8CPUT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Lock manager wait time | LOCKMGRWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of CICS logger write requests | LOGGRWRITREQ | The number of CICS Logger write requests issued by this task. |
LU6.1 I/O wait time | LU61WTT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
LU6.2 I/O wait time | LU62WTT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
VTAM LU name | LUNAME | The name of the VTAM logical unit of the terminal associated with this transaction. If performance monitoring is inactive, blanks are returned. |
Maximum tasks | MAXTASKS | Maximum number of tasks value at the time the user task was attached. |
Policy thresholds exceeded | MPPRTXCD | The number of policy thresholds exceeded by the task |
Other TCB mode CPU time | MSCPUT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Other TCB mode dispatch time | MSDISPT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of Primary TC message receives | MSGIN | The number of primary terminal control messages received. |
Number of Secondary TC message receives | MSGINSEC | The number of secondary terminal control messages received. |
Number of Primary TC message sends | MSGOUT | The number of primary terminal control messages sent. |
Number of Secondary TC message sends | MSGOUTSEC | The number of secondary terminal control messages sent. |
First dispatch delay time caused by MXT limit | MXTDELAY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Maximum delay time on an open TCB | MXTOTDLY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of named counter get requests | NCGETCNT | The number of named counter get requests |
Originating system netname | NETNAME | The network name of the originating system. |
Network id of UOW | NETUOWID | Network ID of the unit of work. |
Originating application ID | OAPPLID | The applid of the CICS region in which this work request (transaction) originated; (for example, the region in which the CWXN task ran) |
Originating client IP address | OCLIPADR | The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the originating client (or Telnet client). |
Originating client port number | OCLIPORT | The TCP/IP port number of the originating client (or Telnet client). |
Originating facility name | OFCTYNME | The facility name of the originating transaction. If the originating transaction is not associated with a facility, this field is null. The transaction facility type, if any, can be identified using byte 0 of the transaction flags, OTRANFLG (370), field. |
Offload eligible on standard CP | OFFLCPUT | Total task CPU time that was offload eligible but ran on a standard CP |
Originating network ID | ONETWKID | The network ID of the APPLID taken from the Origin Descriptor associated with this task. |
Originating port number | OPORTNUM | The port number used by the originating TCPIPSERVICE. |
Transaction origin type | ORIGINTYPE | The source of the transaction. This is an interpretation of the primary transaction client type with which the transaction was attached using the CICS transaction manager. |
Originating start time | OSTART | The time at which the originating task (for example, the CWXN task) was started. The time is expressed in GMT. |
Originating TCPIPSERVICE name | OTCPSVCE | The name of the originating TCPIPSERVICE. |
Originating transaction ID | OTRAN | The transaction ID (TRANSID) of the originating task (for example, the CWXN task). |
Originating transaction flags | OTRANFLG | Originating transaction flags, a string of 64 bits used for signaling transaction definition and status information |
Originating task ID | OTRANNUM | The number of the originating task (for example, the CWXN task). |
Originating user correlation data | OUSERCOR | The originating user correlator. |
Originating user ID | OUSERID | The originating Userid-2 or Userid-1 (for example, from CWBA), depending on the originating task. |
Maximum read-only storage in RDSA | PC24RHWM | Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user task below the 16MB line, in read-only dynamic storage area (RDSA). |
Maximum shared storage in SDSA | PC24SHWM | Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user task below the 16MB line, in the shared dynamic storage area (SDSA). |
Maximum shared storage in ESDSA | PC31SHWM | Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user task above the 16MB line, in the extended shared dynamic storage area (ESDSA). |
Distributed program link (DPL) request count | PCDPLCT | The total number of times this task has issued a CICS Program Control Distributed Program Link to another CICS system. |
Number of program link requests | PCLINKCNT | The total number of program link requests issued by this task. |
Number of program load requests | PCLOADCNT | The total number of program load requests issued by this task. |
Program load time | PCLOADTM |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of user replaceable module (URM) links | PCLURMCT | The number of times that this transaction has issued a link to a user replaceable module. |
Program transfer control (XCTL) request count | PCXCTLCNT | The number of program XCTL requests issued by this task. |
Number of performance records | PERFRECCNT | The number of performance records written by the CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) for this task. |
Maximum container storage allocated to task. | PGCSTHWM | The maximum container storage allocated to this task. |
BTS process ID | PRCSID | The CICS-assigned identifier of the CICS BTS root activity that the user task implemented. |
BTS process name | PRCSNAME | The CICS Business Transaction Services Process Name that this task represents. |
BTS process type | PRCSTYPE | The CICS Business Transaction Services Process Type that this task represents. |
Task priority | PRIORITY | The total priority of the task. Total priority is the sum of the priority of the user associated with the task, the priority of the terminal which is the principal facility, and the priority of the transaction being executed. |
Task profile name | PROFILE | The profile name for the task. |
Maximum program storage below 16 MB line | PSTG24HWM | The maximum amount of program storage in use by this user task below the 16MB line. |
Maximum program storage above 16 MB line | PSTG31HWM | The maximum amount of program storage in use by this user task above the 16MB line. |
Maximum program storage across all DSAs | PSTGHWM | The high-water mark number of bytes used by this task for programs in all DSAs. |
Purgeability status | PURGEABILITY |
Identifies whether the task is purgeable in a system stall condition.
Purge Type | PURGETYPE | Purge Type of the task. |
CPU time used on QR TCB | QRCPUT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Dispatch time whilst running on QR TCB | QRDISPT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
QR TCB mode delay time | QRMODDLY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Recovery manager unit of work ID | RECOVERTOKN | The Unit of work ID for the recovery manager. |
Record type | RECTYPE |
The performance record type. This field indicates the reason why a performance record has been output for the user task.
It can be one of the following values:
Local unit of recovery ID | RECUNITID | The ID of the local unit of recovery. |
Remote transaction name | REMOTENAME | Name of the transaction that will be run in a remote system. |
Recovery manager UOW resolved with indoubt action | RESOLVEACT | The total number of units of work that lost connection to their recovery coordinator during syncpoint processing that were resolved with indoubt action. |
Task response time | RESPTIME | The task response time in milliseconds. |
Resource level security status | RESSEC |
Indicates whether resource security checking is in effect for this task.
CPU time used by VSAM record level sharing | RLSCPUT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
VSAM record level sharing wait time | RLSWAITTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
RMI suspend time | RMISUSP |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Total RMI elapsed time | RMITIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Recovery manager UOW resource owner failure | ROFAIL | Recovery manager UOW resource owner failure. |
RO TCB mode delay time | ROMODDLY | The amount of time that this task has spent waiting while on the RO TCB mode plus the time spent waiting to switch back to RO TCB mode from another TCB mode. |
Maximum program storage in ERDSA | ROPS31HWM | The high-water mark number of bytes used by this task for programs in the ERDSA (read-only storage above the 16M line). |
Dynamic routing type | ROUTING |
Indicates whether the task may be or may have been subjected to dynamic routing.
RRMS/MVS unit of recovery ID | RRMSURID | The Unit of Recovery ID/token given to CICS by RRMS/MVS. |
RRMS/MVS syncpoint coordination delay time | RRMSWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Reserved space | RSVD1 | Reserved space. |
Reserved space | RSVD2 | Reserved space. |
Remote system ID | RSYSID | Name of the remote system where the transaction defined by remotename is defined. |
Read timeout (seconds) | RTIMEOUT | Indicates the read time-out value (in seconds), after which this task is terminated if no input is received. |
Runaway task time (milliseconds) | RUNAWAY | Indicate the amount of time (in milliseconds), for which any task can have control of the processor before it is assumed to be in a runaway condition. When the interval expires, the task is abnormally terminated. |
Dispatch status | RUNSTATUS | Indicates which processing queue the task is currently on (DISPATCHABLE, RUNNING, or SUSPENDED). |
Run synchronous transaction wait time | RUNTRWTT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
S8 TCB mode CPU time | S8CPUT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Screen size | SCRNSIZE |
Indicates whether the alternate or default screen size will be used by this task.
Shared temporary storage wait time | SHAREDTSWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
FREEMAIN byte count of shared storage above 16MB | SHSTGBYTEFMA | The total number of FREEMAIN bytes of shared storage above 16MB. |
FREEMAIN byte count of shared storage below 16MB | SHSTGBYTEFMB | The total number of FREEMAIN bytes of shared storage below 16MB. |
The total number of FREEMAIN bytes of shared storage above the bar. | SHSTGBYTEFMG | The total number of GETMAIN bytes of shared storage above the bar. |
GETMAIN byte count of shared storage above 16MB | SHSTGBYTEGMA | The total number of GETMAIN bytes of shared storage above 16MB. |
GETMAIN byte count of shared storage below 16MB | SHSTGBYTEGMB | The total number of GETMAIN bytes of shared storage below 16MB. |
GETMAIN byte count of shared storage above the bar | SHSTGBYTEGMG | The total number of GETMAIN bytes of shared storage above the bar. |
Shared storage GETMAIN request count above 16MB | SHSTGGMCABV | The number of GETMAIN requests issued by this task for shared storage above the 16MB line, in the ECDSA or ESDSA. |
Shared storage GETMAIN request count above the bar | SHSTGGMCBAR | The number of GETMAIN requests issued by this task for shared storage above the bar, in the GCDSA or GSDSA. |
Shared storage GETMAIN request count below 16MB | SHSTGGMCBEL |
The number of GETMAIN requests issued by this task for shared storage below the 16MB line, in the CDSA or
SDSA. Note that these figures are NOT included in the CDSA or SDSA getmain count figures. |
Recovery manager UOW shunted | SHUNTED | The total number of units of work that lost connection to their recovery coordinator during syncpoint processing and had to be shunted for indoubt failure. |
Number of socket bytes decrypted | SOBYDECT | The total number of bytes decrypted by this task that were passed over the TCP/IP Sockets Interface. |
Number of socket bytes encrypted | SOBYENCT | The total number of bytes encrypted by this task that were passed over the TCP/IP Sockets Interface. |
Cipher selected | SOCIPHER | The inbound cipher code selected during SSL handshake negotiation. |
TCP/IP sockets I/O wait time | SOIOWTT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
SO TCB mode delay time | SOMODDLY | The amount of time that this task has spent waiting while on the SO TCB mode plus the time spent waiting to switch back to SO TCB mode from another TCB mode. |
CFDT syncpoint wait time | SRVSYWTT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Task start time | START | The time when the task started. This is expressed in GMT or Local time and is subject the MNTIME system initialization parameter. If this is not set the default is GMT. |
Start code | STARTCODE |
A 2-character value indicating how this task started. Possible values are:
Task stop time | STOP | The stop time of the task. This is expressed in GMT or Local time and is subject the MNTIME system initialization parameter. If this is not set the default is GMT. |
Storage clearance status | STORAGECLEAR |
Indicates whether CICS should clear storage that is released from this task (to prevent other tasks accidentally viewing confidential data).
Values are:
WLM subset of execution phase complete | SUBEXECOMP | WLM subset of execution phase complete. |
Time task has been suspended | SUSPENDTIME | The number of seconds (rounded down) for which the task has been suspended since last dispatch, if its RUNSTATUS value is SUSPENDED. If the task is running or dispatchable, the SUSPENDTIME value is 0. |
Reason task is suspended | SUSPENDTYPE | Indicates why this task is suspended, if it is (blanks are returned for tasks that are running or dispatchable). |
Resource for which task is waiting | SUSPENDVALUE | The name of the resource for which this task is waiting (the name of the file if the task is enqueued on a record, for example). SUSPENDVALUE applies only to suspended tasks; if the task is running or dispatchable, the value returned is blanks. |
Task suspend time | SUSPTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of syncpoint requests | SYNCCOUNT | The number of syncpoint requests issued by this task. |
Waiting for parent syncpoint delay time | SYNCDLY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Syncpoint wait time | SYNCPTWAITTM |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of FEPI allocate timeouts | SZALLCTO | Number of times the user task timed out while waiting to allocate a conversation. |
Number of FEPI allocate requests | SZALLOCT | Number of conversations allocated by the user task. |
Number of FEPI characters received | SZCHRIN | Number of characters received through FEPI by the user task. |
Number of FEPI characters sent | SZCHROUT | Number of characters sent through FEPI by the user task. |
Number of FEPI receive requests | SZRCVCT | Number of FEPI RECEIVE requests made by the user task. |
Number of FEPI receive timeouts | SZRCVTO | Number of times the user task timed out while waiting to receive data. |
Number of FEPI send requests | SZSENDCT | Number of FEPI SEND requests made by the user task. |
Number of FEPI start requests | SZSTRTCT | Number of FEPI START requests made by the user task. |
Total number of FEPI requests | SZTOTCT | Total number of all FEPI API and SPI requests made by the user task. |
FEPI suspend time | SZWAIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Task ID | TASK | The ID of the task. |
Data storage key | TASKDATAKEY |
The storage key of the storage CICS allocates at task initialization for the duration of the task (task-lifetime storage), and
which is accessible by the application. These storage areas are the EXEC interface block (EIB) and the transaction work area
(TWA). Values are:
Data location | TASKDATALOC |
Indicates whether task life-time storage acquired by CICS for the duration of the transaction can be located above the 16MB
line in virtual storage. These areas, which relate to specific CICS tasks, include the EXEC interface block (EIB) and the
transaction work area (TWA). Values are:
Transaction error flags | TASKFLAG | The transaction error flags for this task. |
Delay time waiting for session allocation | TCALWTT | The amount of time that this task has spent waiting for a session to be allocated. |
CICS TCB type | TCB |
The type of CICS TCB under which the task is running:
Number of CICS dispatcher TCB attaches | TCBATTCT | The number of CICS Dispatcher TCB Attaches issued by this task. |
Number of secondary LU6.2 characters received | TCC62IN2 | The number of secondary LU6.2 characters received by this task. |
Number of secondary LU6.2 characters sent | TCC62OU2 | Number of characters sent to the alternate facility by the user task for LU6.2 sessions. |
Terminal I/O wait time | TCIOTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
First dispatch delay time caused by TCL | TCLDELAY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of secondary LU6.2 messages received | TCM62IN2 | Number of messages received from the alternate facility by the user task for LU6.2 sessions. |
Number of secondary LU6.2 messages sent | TCM62OU2 | Number of messages sent to the alternate facility by the user task for LU6.2 sessions. |
Total number of transient data requests | TDCOUNT | The number of transient data requests issued by this user task, including GET, PUT, and PURGE requests. |
TD extrapartition lock wait time | TDELWTT | This is the amount of time the task has waited for the TD extrapartition lock. |
Number of transient data get requests | TDGETCNT | The total number of Transient Data get/read requests issued by this task. |
TD intrapartition lock wait time | TDILWTT | This is the amount of time the task has waited for the TD intrapartition lock. |
Transient data I/O wait time | TDIOTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of transient data purge requests | TDPURCNT | The total number of Transient Data purge/delete requests issued by this task. |
Number of transient data put requests | TDPUTCNT | The total number of Transient Data put/write requests issued by this task. |
Terminal connection name | TERMCONNAME | The name of the terminal session connection. |
Actual terminal ID or session ID | TERMID | This is the actual Terminal Identification that the task is executing upon. In a Transaction Routing environment this will be the ID of the Session the task is routed across and TermConn will contain the system ID of the connection that this session belongs to. |
Terminal information | TERMNALINFO | Terminal information. |
Terminal storage | TERMSTG | The average amount of terminal storage (TIOA) allocated to the terminal associated with the transaction. |
Atom Service name | TMRATMSN | Atom Service name |
Total number of BIF DIGEST requests | TMRBFDGC | Total number of BIF DIGEST requests |
Total number of BIF requests | TMRBFTC | Total number of BIF requests |
CorbaServer name | TMRCBRNM | The name of the CorbaServer associated with the task. This attribute is obsolete from CICS Transaction Server 5.1 onwards. |
Number OO class library API requests | TMRCFACT | The total number of OO class library API requests. |
Client IP Port | TMRCIPOR | The port number of the client. |
CICS TCB Change Mode delay time | TMRCMDLY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of Document Delete requests | TMRDHDLC | The number of document delete requests issued by this task. |
MVS DS storage constraint wait time | TMRDSCWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Dispatcher TCB mismatch wait time | TMRDSMWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
CICS dispatcher TCB high water mark | TMRDSTHW | The peak number of CICS dispatcher TCBs in use. |
Number of EVENTS captured | TMRECEVC | Number of EVENTS captured |
Number of event filter requests | TMRECFOC | Number of event filter requests |
Number of synchronous emission events captured | TMRECSEC | The number of synchronous emission EVENTs captured. |
Number of SIGNAL EVENT requests | TMRECSGE | Number of SIGNAL EVENT requests |
Total number of EXEC CICS requests | TMREICTC | Total number of EXEC CICS requests |
Number of bean state activation requests | TMREJBAC | The number of bean state activation requests issued by this task. This attribute is obsolete from CICS Transaction Server 5.1 onwards. |
Number of bean creation requests | TMREJBCC | The number of enterprise bean creation requests issued by this task. This attribute is obsolete from CICS Transaction Server 5.1 onwards. |
Number of bean state passivation requests | TMREJBPC | The number of bean state passivation requests issued by this task. This attribute is obsolete from CICS Transaction Server 5.1 onwards. |
Number of bean removal requests | TMREJBRC | The number of ALLOCATE requests issued by this task. This attribute is obsolete from CICS Transaction Server 5.1 onwards. |
Total number of Enterprise bean requests | TMREJBTC | The number of enterprise bean requests issued by this task. This attribute is obsolete from CICS Transaction Server 5.1 onwards. |
Number of Enterprise bean method calls | TMREJMCT | The number of enterprise bean method calls issued by this task. This attribute is obsolete from CICS Transaction Server 5.1 onwards. |
Maximum Hot-Pooling TCB delay time | TMRHTDLY | This field is obsolete. |
Total local START CHANNEL requests | TMRICSCC | The number of local START CHANNEL requests issued by this task. |
Data length of all local START CHANNEL requests | TMRICSCD | The data length of all local START CHANNEL requests issued by this task. |
Total remote START CHANNEL requests | TMRICSRC | The total number of remote START CHANNEL requests issued by this task. |
Data length of all remote START CHANNEL requests | TMRICSRD | The data length of all remote START CHANNEL requests issued by this task. |
Number of IPCONN allocate requests | TMRISACT | The number of allocate session requests issued by the task for sessions on IP intercommunications connections. |
IPCONN Name | TMRISCNM | The name of the IP interconnectivity entry (IPCONN) that defines an IP intercommunications connection associated with this transaction. |
IPCONN I/O wait time | TMRISWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
J9 TCB mode CPU time | TMRJ9CPU |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
JVM server thread wait time | TMRJSTWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Maximum Java virtual machine (JVM) TCB delay time | TMRJTDLY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Java virtual machine elapsed time - initialise | TMRJVMIT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Java virtual machine elapsed time - resetting | TMRJVMRT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
User task key 8 mode CPU time | TMRKY8CP |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
User task key 8 mode dispatch time | TMRKY8DS |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
User task key 9 mode CPU time | TMRKY9CP |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
User task key 9 mode dispatch time | TMRKY9DS |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
User task L9 mode CPU time | TMRL9CPU |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
XML System Services CPU time | TMRMLCTM | XML System Services CPU time |
Total document length | TMRMLTDL | Total document length |
Number of EXEC CICS XML TRANSFORM requests | TMRMLXTC | Number of EXEC CICS XML TRANSFORM requests |
WebSphere MQ API SRB timeme | TMRMQAST |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Websphere MQ Getwait wait time | TMRMQGWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Network id | TMRNETID | The ID of the network. |
LU6.2 network-wide UOW instance and sequence number | TMRNETSX | The name by which the network unit-of-work ID is known within the originating system. This name is assigned at transaction attach time using either a STCK-derived token created by the originating system, or the network unit-of-work ID passed as part of an IRC (MRO) or ISC (APPC) attach function management header (FMH). |
OTS indoubt wait time | TMROIDWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
OTS transaction id | TMROTSID | The Object Transaction Service transaction wait time. |
Number of DPL program link requests with channel | TMRPCDCC | The number of DPL program link requests issued by this task. |
Data length of all DPL program links with channel | TMRPCDLL | The total length of the data in the containers of all the distributed program link (DPL) requests issued with the CHANNEL option by the user task. This total includes the length of any headers to the data. |
Total data length of all DPL returns with channel | TMRPCDRL | The total length of the data in the containers of all DPL RETURN CHANNEL commands issued by the user task. This total includes the length of any headers to the data. |
Number of program link requests with channel | TMRPCLCC | The total number of program link requests with channel issued by this task. |
Number of program return requests with channel | TMRPCRCC | The number of program return requests with channel issued by this task. |
Data length of all program returns with channel | TMRPCRCL | The total length of the data in the containers of all the remote pseudoconversational RETURN CHANNEL commands issued by the user task. This total includes the length of any headers to the data. |
Number of program XCTL requests with channel | TMRPCXCC | The total number of program XCTL requests issued by this task. |
Number of browse container channel requests | TMRPGBCC | The number of browse container channel requests issued by this task. |
Number of containers created for channel containers | TMRPGCCC | The number of containers created for channel containers by this task. |
Total number of channel data container requests | TMRPGCTC | The total number of channel data container requests issued by this task. |
Number of get container channel requests | TMRPGGCC | The number of GET CONTAINER and GET64 CONTAINER channel requests issued by this task. |
Data length of all get container channel requests | TMRPGGCL | The data length of all GET CONTAINER and GET64 CONTAINER channel requests issued by this task. @ |
Number of move container channel requests | TMRPGMCC | The number of move container channel requests issued by this task. |
Number of put container channel requests | TMRPGPCC | The number of PUT CONTAINER and PUT64 CONTAINER channel requests issued by this task. |
Data length of all put container channel requests | TMRPGPCL | The data length of all PUT CONTAINER and PUT64 CONTAINER channel requests issued by this task. |
Pipeline name | TMRPIPLN | Pipeline name |
TCP/IP service port number | TMRPORTN | The port number used by the TCP/IP service. |
Partner wait time | TMRPTPWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Real LUNAME | TMRRLUNM | The name of the VTAM logical unit of the terminal associated with this transaction. |
User task RO mode CPU time | TMRROCPU |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
User task RO mode dispatch time | TMRRODSP |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Request processor wait time | TMRRQPWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Request receiver wait time | TMRRQRWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number characters received | TMRSOCIN | The number of characters received by this task. |
Number CREATE non-persistent socket requests | TMRSOCNS | The number of Create non-persistent socket requests issued by this task. |
Number characters sent | TMRSOCOT | The number of characters sent by this task. |
Number CREATE persistent socket requests | TMRSOCPS | The number of Create persistent socket requests issued by this task. |
Number inbound socket characters received | TMRSOI1C | The number inbound socket characters received by this task. |
Number inbound socket receive requests | TMRSOIMC | The number inbound socket receive requests issued by this task. |
Non-persistent socket HWM | TMRSONHW | The peak number of non-persistent sockets associated with this task. |
Number inbound socket characters sent | TMRSOO1C | The number inbound socket characters sent by this task. |
Number inbound socket send requests | TMRSOOMC | The number inbound socket send requests by this task. |
Outbound socket I/O wait time | TMRSOOWT |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Persistent socket HWM | TMRSOPHW | The peak number of persistent sockets. |
Number socket receive requests | TMRSORCT | The total number of socket receive requests issued by this task. |
Number socket send requests | TMRSOSCT | The total number of socket send requests issued by this task. |
Total number socket requests | TMRSOTC | The total number of socket requests issued by this task. |
Maximum CICS SSL TCB delay time | TMRSTDLY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
User task T8 mode cpu time | TMRT8CPU | User task T8 mode cpu time |
TCP/IP Service name | TMRTCPSV | The name of the TCP/IP service. |
Transaction group id | TMRTGPID | The identifier of the transaction group associated with this task. |
Number of EXEC CICS ASKTIME requests | TMRTIATC | Number of EXEC CICS ASKTIME requests |
Total number of EXEC CICS xxxTIME requests | TMRTITC | Total Number of EXEC CICS xxxTIME requests |
Transaction sequence number | TMRTRSN | The sequence number of the transaction. |
Maximim thread TCB delay time | TMRTTDLY | Maximum thread TCB delay time |
URI map name | TMRURIMN | URI map name |
Number of web browse requests | TMRWBBOC | The total number of web browse requests issued by this task. |
Number WEB BROWSE requests | TMRWBBRC | The number of web browse requests issued by this transaction. |
Number WEB EXTRACT requests | TMRWBERC | The number of web extract requests issued by this transaction. |
Number of bytes received by web requests | TMRWBI1C | The number of bytes received by web requests issued by this task. |
Number of web receive requests | TMRWBIRC | The total number of web receive requests issued by this task. |
Number of invoke web service requests | TMRWBIWC | The number of invoke web service requests issued by this task. |
Number of bytes sent by web send requests | TMRWBO1C | The number of bytes sent by web send requests issued by this task. |
Number of web send requests | TMRWBOSC | The total number of web send requests issued by this task. |
Number of web parse requests | TMRWBPRC | The total number of web parse requests issued by this task. |
Data length of data read from the repository | TMRWBRDL | The data length of data read from the repository. |
Number of web read requests | TMRWBROC | The total number of web read requests issued by this task. |
Number repository reads | TMRWBRPR | The total number of repository read requests issued by this task. |
Number WEB READ requests | TMRWBRRC | The number of web read requests issued by this transaction. |
Data length of data written to the repository | TMRWBWDL | The total length of the data written to the repository in temporary storage by the user task. |
Number of web write requests | TMRWBWOC | The total number of web write requests issued by this task. |
Number WEB WRITE requests | TMRWBWRC | The number of web write requests issued by this transaction. |
Total number Websphere MQ requests | TMRWMQRC | The total number of Websphere MQ requests for the task. |
Program name | TMRWPBMN | Program name |
Total number of WS addressing requests | TMRWSATC | Total number of WS addressing requests |
Number of WSACONTEXT BUILD requests | TMRWSCBC | Number of WSACONTEXT BUILD requests |
Number of WSACONTEXT GET requests | TMRWSCGC | Number of WSACONTEXT GET requests |
Number of WSAEPR create requests | TMRWSEPC | WSAEPCCT - Number of WSAEPR CREATE requests |
Web Services Operation name | TMRWSOPN | Web Services Operation name |
Webservice name | TMRWSVCN | Webservice name |
User task X8 mode CPU time | TMRX8CPU |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
User task X9 mode CPU time | TMRX9CPU |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Maximum CICS XPLink TCB delay time | TMRXTDLY |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Task tracing type | TRACING |
Indicates the type of tracing for this task.
Transaction class | TRANCLASS | The name of the transaction class to which the task belongs. If the task is not assigned to any class, the default class DFHTCL00 is returned. If the task belongs to a numbered class, the value returned is DFHTCLnn, where nn is the 2-digit class number. |
Transaction flags | TRANFLAGS | The CICS transaction definition and status information flags for the transaction. |
Transaction | TRANID | The name of the transaction associated with the task. |
Transaction priority | TRANPRIORITY | The component of the total priority of the task that came from the PRIORITY option in the definition of the TRANSACTION being executed. |
Transaction type | TRANTYPE |
The transaction start type. Values are:
Transaction routing profile name | TRPROF | The name of the profile that is used for transaction routing. |
Total number of temporary storage requests | TSCOUNT | The number of temporary storage requests issued by this user task, including GET, PUT, and PURGE requests. |
Number of temporary storage gets | TSGETCNT | The total number of Temporary Storage get/read requests issued by this task. |
Number of TS gets to shared storage | TSGETSCNT | The number of TS gets to shared storage. |
Temporary storage I/O wait time | TSIOTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of TS puts to auxiliary storage | TSPUTACNT | The number of TS puts to auxiliary storage. |
Number of TS puts to main storage | TSPUTMCNT | The number of TS puts to main storage. |
Number of TS puts to shared storage | TSPUTSCNT | The number of TS puts to shared storage. |
Size in bytes of transaction work area (TWA) | TWASIZE | Indicates the size of the associated transaction work area (TWA) in bytes. |
Local unit of work (UOW) ID | UNITOFWORK | The local identifier of the unit of work associated with the task. The unit of work identifier is used to synchronize recovery operations among CICS and other resource managers, such as IMS and DB2. |
Recovery manager UOW unshunted | UNSHUNTED | The total number of units of work that lost connection to their recovery coordinator during syncpoint processing but were not shunted for indoubt failure. |
Network UOW instance and sequence number | UOWID | The local identifier of the unit of work associated with this task. |
User ID | USERID | The ID of the user currently associated with the task. |
Maximum program storage in UDSA | USRPS24HWM | The high-water mark number of bytes used by this task for programs in the UDSA. |
Maximum program storage in EUDSA | USRPS31HWM | The high-water mark number of bytes used by this task for programs in the EUDSA. |
User storage GETMAIN request count below 16MB | USTG24CNT | The number of user storage GETMAIN requests issued by this user task for storage below the 16MB line. |
Peak number of bytes used by task in UDSA | USTG24HWM | The high-water mark number of bytes used by this task in the UDSA. |
Average storage usage below 16 MB line | USTG24OCC | The average storage occupancy of the user task below the 16MB line. This measures the area under the curve of storage in use against elapsed time. |
User storage GETMAIN request count above 16MB | USTG31CNT | The number of user storage GETMAIN requests issued by this user task for storage above the 16MB line. |
Peak number of bytes used by task in EUDSA | USTG31HWM | The High-Water-Mark number of bytes used by this task in the EUDSA. |
Average storage usage above 16 MB line | USTG31OCC | The average storage occupancy of the user task above the 16MB line. This measures the area under the curve of storage in use against elapsed time. |
Dispatch wait time | WAITTIME |
This is a composite field displaying one of the following elements:
Number of characters received via WEB requests | WBCHRIN | The number of characters received via the WEB as a result of WEB Receives issued by this task. |
Number of characters sent via WEB requests | WBCHROUT | The number of characters sent via the WEB as a result of WEB Sends issued by this task. |
INVOKE SOAP service faults | WBISSFCT | The number of INVOKE xxxSERVICE SOAP faults. |
JSON response body length | WBJSNRPL | The JSON response body length |
JSON request body length | WBJSNRQL | The JSON request body length |
Number of WEB receive requests | WBRCVCT | The number of WEB Receive requests issued by this task. |
Number of WEB repository writes | WBREPWCT | The number of WEB Repository write requests issued by this task. |
Number of WEB send requests | WBSENDCT | The number of WEB Send requests issued by this task. |
SOAPFAULT CREATE requests | WBSFCRCT | The number of SOAPFAULT CREATE requests. |
Total SOAPFAULT CREATE requests | WBSFTOCT | The total number of SOAPFAULT CREATE requests. |
SOAP request body length | WBSREQBL | The length of the SOAP request body length. |
SOAP response body length | WBSRSPBL | The length of the SOAP response body length. |
Total number of WEB requests | WBTOTCT | The total number of WEB requests issued by this task. This does not include the number of repository write requests. |
Workload manager report class name | WLMRPTRCNAME | The MVS Workload Manager (WLM) report class for this transaction. |
Workload manager service class name | WLMSRVCNAME | The MVS Workload Manager (WLM) service class for this transaction. |