Platform enhancements in 8.3.0

Enhancements to functionality are included in this version of IBM OpenPages® with Watson™.


The new questionnaire design provides more functionality and enhances ease of use.

  • Questionnaire format settings

    Questionnaire authors can now set properties to show or hide user interface features when they create a questionnaire template.

    An author can set the following properties of the questionnaire:

    • Titles determines whether titles appear for each question in the questionnaire.
    • Auto numbering determines whether the questions are numbered.
    • Auto numbering determines whether weight and score appear for questions, sections, and subsections.

    These settings can be modified in the questionnaire template editor by clicking Format settings in the navigation panel.

    Figure 1. The Format Settings dialog box
    The Format Settings dialog box where authors can set the properties of the questionnaire.
  • Landing page with logo

    The new questionnaire landing page provides introductory information to the user, such as the title, description, due date, progress, assignees, and disclaimer. An author can add a custom logo and disclaimer text so that they appear on all questionnaires.

    Figure 2. A landing page of a questionnaire
    A landing page that shows introductory information including a custom logo and a disclaimer
  • Questionnaire authors can designate questions as required.

    Respondents are not able to submit a questionnaire if any required questions are not answered.

  • Administrators can configure the Questionnaire Assessment Workflow to create an issue when the score for the response to a question doesn't meet a set threshold.

    Administrators can add a custom action to the Questionnaire Assessment Workflow using a Class Name of to create an issue for each question that has a score less than the threshold. The issue is associated with the primary parent of the questionnaire assessment. The threshold property sets the score threshold. The default value of the threshold property is 5.

  • Questionnaire authors can map parent objects to specific questions.

    Authors can map parent controls or requirements to a question. When an author maps a parent control or requirement to a question object, the parent is displayed with the question in the questionnaire.

Enhancements to the UI

The UI includes numerous new capabilities and features.

  • Trend Chart

    A new graphic is available for inclusion within Task Views to display the trends of numeric values of child objects over time. The following graphic is provided on the KRI Task View and displays the Value field of child KRI Value objects in blue, the Red Threshold values, and the Yellow Threshold values.

    Figure 3. A KRI trend chart
    An example of a trend chart
  • Administrative View

    Administrative management of records is now easier with the creation of the Administrative View, which displays all fields and associations available within the user’s profile regardless of the particular Task View that is enabled for a record. A user granted permission to access the Admin View with a new role template permission can access the new view from any Task View.

    Figure 4. A Task tab for a Risk object
    An example of a Task tab

    When a user clicks the Admin tab, they can view all fields available for the object that are available within the user’s profile.

    Figure 5. An Admin tab for a Risk object
    An example of an Admin tab

    The Admin tab can display all parents and children of the record.

    Figure 6. An Admin tab that shows parents and children of a Risk object
    An example of an Admin tab showing parents and children

    Administrative Views are created using the View Designer. The field order that is assigned in the View Designer establishes the ordering of fields for FastMap import. A read-only selection for a field on the Administrative View prevents a FastMap import of that field. Upgrade customers can import the Detail Views from their previous version of OpenPages as Administrative Views.

  • Migration of features previously available only within the Standard UI

    The 8.3 release is the first on-premises and SaaS release to feature the Task Focused User Interface without the available option to switch to the previously existing Standard User Interface. As part of that effort, the following features previously available only within the Standard UI, are now available in the Task Focused UI:

    • Publication of Cognos reports into OpenPages from the Pages and Templates screen
    • Global Search configuration screen
    • Recursive object level and field exclusion selection on object types
    • Display of Background Processes
    • Restrict the number of parent associations to a single parent selection for child objects on the Object Types screen using the Single parent max setting

WalkMe integration

You can now integrate with a third-party tool named WalkMe to deploy custom content and "getting started" experiences with IBM OpenPages. Through guided tours, feature overviews, and embedded resources, WalkMe helps users make the most out of their OpenPages implementation. Registry settings are now embedded so that you can enable WalkMe and connect to your own WalkMe JavaScript snippets.

For custom implementations, you must have a separate license for WalkMe.

To see the registry settings for Walkme, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Administration menu > System Configuration > Settings and set Applications > Common > Configuration > Show Hidden Settings to true to show hidden settings.
  2. Go to Applications > Walkme.
Figure 7. The Walkme application settings
Walkme application settings
  • Walkme Enabled

    To enable Walkme, set Applications > Walkme > Walkme Enabled to true.

  • Walkme Source

    By default, Walkme Source is set to the URL of IBM’s cloud storage. If you want to use your own WalkMe implementation, update this URL to your JS snippet.

  • Walkme URLs

    By default, the Walkme URLs setting points to a location where the Carbon UI templates and the OpenPages WalkMe content are stored.

    The value of the Walkme URLs setting lists domains to allow for content security. Firewalls must be set up to allow these domains.

    If you want to use your own WalkMe implementation, update the URLs to match your implementation.