Setting login information for the search server

You can set the user names and passwords that the search server uses to access the database server and the IBM OpenPages® with Watson™ global search service (Apache Solr). You can set the login information before you enable global search.

About this task

When you set up passwords, they are encrypted automatically to ensure secure and authenticated access.

If you have enabled global search and you want to change the login information, see Changing the database connection information for the search server.


  1. On the search server, open a command prompt.
  2. To change the login information that the search server uses to login to the database, enter the following commands:

    On Microsoft Windows operating systems,

    cd <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
    opsearchtool.cmd setdbuserpassword -username current-username -password "current-password" -newusername new-username -newpassword "new-password" 

    On Linux® operating systems,

    cd <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
    ./ setdbuserpassword -username current-username -password 'current-password' -newusername new-username -newpassword 'new-password' 
    Table 1. Parameters to change the database login information
    Parameter Description
    current-username The database username

    The value is the username that you entered in the OpenPages installation app when you configured the search server.

    current-password The password of the database user

    The value is the password that you entered in the OpenPages installation app when you configured the search server.

    new-username The new database username
    new-password The new password for the database user
    For example, the following command changes the password to dbNEWpassword, but keeps the same database username:
    opsearchtool.cmd setdbuserpassword -username dbuser -password "dbpassword" -newusername dbuser -newpassword "dbNEWpassword"
    The following command changes both the database username and the password:
    opsearchtool.cmd setdbuserpassword -username dbuser -password "dbpassword" -newusername dbNEWuser -newpassword "dbNEWpassword"
  3. To change the login information for the global search service (Apache Solr), enter the following commands:

    On Microsoft Windows operating systems,

    cd <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
    opsearchtool.cmd setsolruserpassword -newusername new-solr-username -newpassword new-solr-password

    On Linux operating systems,

    cd <SEARCH_HOME>/OPSearch/opsearchtools/
    ./ setsolruserpassword -newusername new-solr-username -newpassword new-solr-password
    Table 2. Parameters to change the global search service login information
    Parameter Description
    new-solr-username The new username for the Solr service

    The Solr user does not need to be an OpenPages user.

    new-solr-password The new password for the Solr user
    Note: You do not need to provide the current username and password to change and encrypt the password for the global search service. The script uses the current login information of the database server for authentication before it allows the change. The default username and password is OpenPagesAdministrator / OpenPagesAdministrator.

    For example, the following command sets the username to solruser and the password to solrpassword:

    opsearchtool.cmd setsolruserpassword -username solruser -password solrpassword
  4. Start the global search services.
  5. If required, set up SSL for the Solr service.

What to do next

When you update the user name and password, the changes are applied only to the search server. You must update the database server as well to ensure the login information is synchronized.