Restoring IBM OpenPages for IBM Cloud Pak for Data

You can restore a backup of your IBM OpenPages® for IBM Cloud Pak for Data instance.

This topic describes restoring backed up instances of IBM OpenPages for IBM Cloud Pak for Data for Refresh 1 of Cloud Pak for Data Version 4.0 and earlier versions.

For Refresh 2 of Cloud Pak for Data Version 4.0, released in October 2021, see Backing up and restoring an entire deployment with the Cloud Pak for Data OADP backup and restore service and, if you encounter issues while backing up or restoring, see Troubleshooting OpenPages backup and restore.

About this task

Use these steps to restore the instance that you backed up. If you want to restore the backup into a different instance, see Migrating IBM OpenPages for IBM Cloud Pak for Data to another instance.


  1. Log in to your Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster as a project administrator:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port
  2. Change to the project where OpenPages is installed:
    oc project <Project>
  3. Scale down to 0 replicas.
    oc scale --replicas=0 sts/openpages-<instance_name>-sts

    To find the name of the StatefulSet (sts), run oc get sts and look for a name that starts with openpages-. For example, openpages-instance_name-sts

  4. If you are using an external database, restore the database by using the steps in Db2 database backup and restore for OpenPages, and then continue with step 7.
  5. Log in to the database server pod.
    Do one of the following steps:
    • Run the following command:
      oc exec -it c-db2oltp-<*>-db2u-0 -- /bin/bash

      To find the name of the pod, run oc get sts and look for a name with the pattern c-db2oltp-*-db2u-0.

      For example, c-db2oltp-1601355983782494-db2u-0

    • Or, in the Red Hat OpenShift console, go to the Db2 server pod and open a terminal.
  6. Restore the database.
    Do the steps in the following task: Restoring a Db2 database.
    • Replace the database name BLUDB with OPX.
    • Replace backup_dir with /mnt/backup
  7. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster as a project administrator:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port
  8. Change to the project where OpenPages is installed:
    oc project <Project>
  9. Scale to 1 replica.
    oc scale --replicas=1 sts/openpages-<instance_name>-sts

    To find the name of the StatefulSet (sts), run oc get sts and look for a name that starts with openpages-. For example, openpages-opinst-sts

  10. Log in to the application server pod and open a terminal.
    oc exec -it openpages-<instance_name>-sts-0 -- /bin/bash

    To find the pod name, run oc get sts and look for a name that starts with openpages-.

  11. Go to the /opt/ibm/OpenPages/openpages-backup-restore directory.
  12. Locate the backup file that has the most recent timestamp. Use this file in step 13.
  13. Restore the backup by running the following commands:
    cd /opt/ibm/OpenPages/aurora/bin
    ./ <backup_filename_without_the_file_extension> 
    For example:
    cd /opt/ibm/OpenPages/aurora/bin
    ./ op_backup_2020_11_20_21_43_04
  14. Restart the application server by running the following command:
    server start
  15. Go to the /opt/ibm/OpenPages/openpages-backup-restore directory. Move all backup files, except the file you used in step 13, to a subfolder under /opt/ibm/OpenPages/openpages-backup-restore.
  16. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster as a project administrator:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port
  17. Change to the project where OpenPages is installed:
    oc project <Project>
  18. Scale up to the number of replicas you want to use for the application server by running the following command:
    oc scale --replicas=<#_of_replicas> sts/openpages-<instance_name>-sts

    Replace the following values:

    Variable Replace with
    <#_of_replicas> Specify the number of replicas.

    Can be 1 or more.

    <statefulset_name> Specify the name of the StatefulSet for the application.

    To find the name of the StatefulSet, run oc get sts and look for a name that starts with openpages-.

    For example, openpages-opinst-sts