Telemetry concepts and scenarios for monitoring and control

Telemetry is the automated sensing, measurement of data, and control of remote devices. The emphasis is on the transmission of data from devices to a central control point. Telemetry also includes sending configuration and control information to devices.

IBM® WebSphere® MQ Telemetry connects small devices by using the MQTT protocol, and connects the devices to other applications by using IBM WebSphere MQ. IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry bridges a gap between devices and the internet making it easier to build "smart solutions". Smart solutions unlock the wealth of information available on the internet, and in enterprise applications, for applications that monitor and control devices.

The following diagrams demonstrate some typical uses of IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry:

Telemetry: Smart Electricity
Image of MQTT messages containing every house's energy usage data sent to a service provider, and WebSphere MQ Telemetry sending control commands based on analysis of energy usage data back to the houses.
Telemetry: Smart Health Services
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry sends Health Data to your Hospital & Doctor.
  • MQTT message alerts or feedback can be sent based on analysis of Health Data.
  • For more information, see the following scenario: Telemetry scenario: Home patient monitoring
Image of MQTT messages containing health data being sent to your hospital or doctor, and returning message alerts or feedback.
Telemetry: One in a Crowd
Image of card transaction data being sent to the bank's server and WebSphere MQ Telemetry identifying and notifying the one person from the thousands.
  • A simple card transaction is sent to the bank's server.
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry identifies the one person from the thousands, alerting the customer that their card has been used.
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry can use the simplest input of information, and locate that individual.

The subsequent scenarios, drawn from actual examples, illustrate some ways of using telemetry and some of the common problems that telemetry technology must resolve.