IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.3

Real Estate Executive role

The Real Estate Executive is responsible for the part of the workplace management team that directly manages real estate transactions and contracts. The Real Estate Executive’s primary responsibility is to find, obtain, manage, and dispose of real estate facilities to optimize the portfolio for the company’s primary business needs and objectives.

The Real Estate Executive role includes the following tasks:

  • Communicating with upper management to develop strategic facility goals.
  • Developing strategic long-range plans to achieve strategic objectives.
  • Creating and managing the organization’s fiscal operating and capital budget and expenses.
  • Managing facility acquisition and disposal.
  • Managing real estate contracts (leases and owned property).
  • Insuring that proper payments are made, options are executed, and renewals are evaluated.
  • Reviewing critical dates, evaluating contract options, and determining strategic direction.
  • Monitoring space assignments and real estate costs that are associated with internal organizations.
  • Facilitating compliance with regulatory reporting.
  • Monitoring space allocations and providing efficient space use.
  • Providing a workplace setting that is conducive to productive work.
  • Monitoring occupant satisfaction.
  • Monitoring performance metrics.
  • Receiving and responding to approvals and notifications.

The following table describes the portal for the Real Estate Executive role.

Portal details Description
Home Portal Name Home - RE Executive Portal
Group Details IBM® TRIRIGA® RE Executive
License Details
  • IBM TRIRIGA Enterprise Workplace Management
  • IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management Enterprise
  • IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management Real Estate
Performance Metrics
  • Vacancy Rate
  • Cost Per Area – Leased
  • Cost Per Area – Owned
  • Area Per Person
  • % Portfolio Leased vs. Owned
  • % On-time Delivery of Real Estate Projects
  • Average Transaction Score
  • Customer Satisfaction – Portfolio Managers
