IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.1

Portfolio data overview

Portfolio data is the core information that you use to manage workplaces. Your portfolio consists of information about the organizations, locations, people, and assets that are associated with the space you manage.

You use portfolio data records, in the IBM® TRIRIGA® Portfolio Data Manager, to track the details that are necessary for you to complete tasks in other areas of the IBM TRIRIGA. For example, if you are planning space allocation or moving people to new locations, you need comprehensive information about the spaces and people involved.

Portfolio data records are organized in a hierarchical structure and can be associated with other records. All lifecycle events that are associated with a record can be tracked so that you have a complete history and audit trail.

IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability adds portfolio sections and features related to My Company, Building, Land, Structure, and Retail Location business objects. See the IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability topics for more information about how to collect, analyze, and use environmental data to achieve sustainability goals.
