SET commands
Use the SET commands to specify values that affect many different IBM Spectrum Protect operations.
- SET ACCOUNTING (Set accounting records on or off)
- SET ACTLOGRETENTION (Set the retention period or the size of the activity log)
- SET ALERTACTIVEDURATION (Set the duration of an active alert)
- SET ALERTCLOSEDDURATION (Set the duration of a closed alert)
- SET ALERTEMAIL (Set the alert monitor to email alerts to administrators)
- SET ALERTEMAILFROMADDR (Set the email address of the sender)
- SET ALERTEMAILSMTPHOST (Set the SMTP mail server host name)
- SET ALERTEMAILSMTPPORT (Set the SMTP mail server host port)
- SET ALERTINACTIVEDURATION (Set the duration of an inactive alert)
- SET ALERTMONITOR (Set the alert monitor to on or off)
- SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS (Set the list of administrators to receive alert summaries by email )
- SET ALERTUPDATEINTERVAL (Set how often the alert monitor updates and prunes alerts)
- SET APPROVERSREQUIREAPPROVAL (Specifies whether approval administrators require approval)
- SET ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION (Activate data retention protection)
- SET ARREPLRULEDEFAULT (Set the server replication rule for archive data)
- SET BKREPLRULEDEFAULT (Set the server replication rule for backup data)
- SET CLIENTACTDURATION (Set the duration period for the client action)
- SET COMMANDAPPROVAL (Specifies whether command approval is required)
- SET CONFIGMANAGER (Specify a configuration manager)
- SET CONFIGREFRESH (Set managed server configuration refresh)
- SET CONTEXTMESSAGING (Set message context reporting on or off)
- SET CPUINFOREFRESH (Refresh interval for the client workstation information scan)
- SET CROSSDEFINE (Specifies whether to cross-define servers)
- SET DBRECOVERY (Set the device class for automatic backups)
- SET DEDUPVERIFICATIONLEVEL (Set the percentage of extents to verify)
- SET DEFAULTAUTHENTICATION (Set the default authentication method for REGISTER NODE and REGISTER ADMIN commands)
- SET DEPLOYPKGMGR (Enable the deployment package manager)
- SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY (Set the download path for client deployment packages)
- SET DEPLOYMAXPKGS (Set the maximum number of client deployment packages to store)
- SET DISSIMILARPOLICIES (Enable the policies on the target replication server to manage replicated data)
- SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL (Specify the active-data pools to be managed by DRM)
- SET DRMCHECKLABEL (Specify label checking)
- SET DRMCMDFILENAME (Specify the name of a file to contain commands)
- SET DRMCOPYCONTAINERSTGPOOL (Specify the container-copy storage pools to be processed by DRM commands)
- SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL (Specify the copy storage pools to be managed by DRM)
- SET DRMCOURIERNAME (Specify the courier name)
- SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS (Specify DB backup series expiration)
- SET DRMFILEPROCESS (Specify file processing)
- SET DRMINSTRPREFIX (Specify the prefix for recovery instructions file names)
- SET DRMNOTMOUNTABLENAME (Specify the not mountable location name)
- SET DRMPLANPREFIX (Specify a prefix for recovery plan file names)
- SET DRMPLANVPOSTFIX (Specify replacement volume names)
- SET DRMPRIMSTGPOOL (Specify the primary storage pools to be managed by DRM)
- SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS (Set criteria for recovery plan file expiration)
- SET DRMVAULTNAME (Specify the vault name)
- SET EVENTRETENTION (Set the retention period for event records)
- SET FAILOVERHLADDRESS (Set a failover high level address)
- SET INVALIDPWLIMIT (Set the number of invalid logon attempts)
- SET LDAPPASSWORD (Set the LDAP password for the server)
- SET LDAPUSER (Specify an ID for an LDAP directory server)
- SET LICENSEAUDITPERIOD (Set license audit period)
- SET MAXCMDRETRIES (Set the maximum number of command retries)
- SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS (Set maximum scheduled sessions)
- SET MINPWLENGTH (Set minimum password length)
- SET MONITORINGADMIN (Set the name of the monitoring administrator)
- SET MONITOREDSERVERGROUP (Set the group of monitored servers)
- SET NODEATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies at-risk mode for an individual node)
- SET PASSEXP (Set password expiration date)
- SET PRODUCTOFFERING (Set the product offering that is licensed to your enterprise)
- SET QUERYSCHEDPERIOD (Set query period for polling client nodes)
- SET RANDOMIZE (Set randomization of scheduled start times)
- SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED (Specify whether damaged files are recovered from a replication server)
- SET REPLRETENTION (Set the retention period for replication records)
- SET REPLSERVER (Set the target replication server)
- SET RETRYPERIOD (Set time between retry attempts)
- SET SCHEDMODES (Select a central scheduling mode)
- SET SERVERHLADDRESS (Set the high-level address of a server)
- SET SERVERLLADDRESS (Set the low-level address of a server)
- SET SERVERNAME (Specify the server name)
- SET SERVERPASSWORD (Set password for server)
- SET SPREPLRULEDEFAULT (Set the server replication rule for space-managed data)
- SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies the backup activity interval for client at-risk evaluation)
- SET STATUSMONITOR (Specifies whether to enable status monitoring)
- SET STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL (Set refresh interval for status monitoring)
- SET STATUSSKIPASFAILURE (Specifies whether to use client at-risk skipped files as failure evaluation)
- SET SUBFILE (Set subfile backup for client nodes)
- SET SUMMARYRETENTION (Set number of days to keep data in activity summary table)
- SET TAPEALERTMSG (Set tape alert messages on or off)
- SET TOCLOADRETENTION (Set load retention period for table of contents)
- SET VMATRISKINTERVAL (Specifies the at-risk mode for an individual VM filespace)