
An IMS abnormal termination was detected while DL/I or DC was processing a call in a dependent region. The diagnostic area for the region causing this abend contains the program status word (PSW), general-purpose registers, and a copy of the IMS-related blocks with eye-catchers at entry to the abend.

Note: If offline memory dump formatting is chosen, the memory dump is created during the dependent region abend processing and shows the dependent region abend code. The control region then terminates with abend 0113, but no additional memory dump is created unless the SDUMP was not successful. Analyzing dependent region SDUMPs is the same as analyzing other IMS SDUMPs.

You can implement the MVS™ IEFUTL Timeout exit routine to capture and override abends that result from CPU or wait time limits being exceeded. DFSUTL is a sample exit source that is provided with IMS. If a BMP must be canceled, you can wait for a time when the impact will be minimal.



An abend occurred in a message region or batch message region while DL/I or DC was processing a call in the message region.

This is a standard abend primarily issued by module DFSASK00. Other modules from IRC/ISI service calls (Fast Path, external subsystem, and normal DL/I or DC database) issue this abend.

IMS latch management (DFSFUNL0) also issues this abend. Module DFSFUNL0 comprises three CSECTS: DFSFUNL0 (get a latch), DFSFLAT0, and DFSFLRC0 (latch recovery). Latch recovery actually issues this abend. CSECT DFSFLRC0 issues abend 0113.

The partition specification table (PST) diagnostic area for the region causing this abend contains program status word (PSW) and general-purpose registers, and a copy of the PST at entry to the abend.

The service request block (SRB) routine, ASKSRBE, in DFSASK00, stores the address of DFSABSAV in field SRBEP after it gets control, but before it establishes the IRB that issues the abend 0113.

Locate the diagnostic work areas as follows:

  1. Locate the control region mother task load list or CDE and find module DFSBLKXX.
    • DFSBLKXX = SCD address
  2. Locate the system diagnostic work area in the SCD (SCDU113).
    • The SCDU113 field points to the U113 SRB. The address of the diagnostic area is located in the SRB + X'14'.
    • Locate the CDE chain under the job step TCB. Find module DFSABSAV, which is the system diagnostic work area.
    • Field SRBEP also contains the address of DFSABSAV.
  3. The formatted section for abend 0113 or the non-IMS formatted memory dump, locate the system diagnostic work area for the message region that terminated abnormally during IMS processing. The following three areas outline the format of the system diagnostic work area:
    • SDWA
    • PST
    • SAP
  4. Locate the associated message region dump (ABENDU0002) and follow standard diagnostic procedures.
Attention: If offline memory dump formatting is chosen, the memory dump is taken during the dependent region abend processing and shows the dependent region abend code. The control region is then terminated with 0113, but no additional memory dump is taken unless the offline memory dump formatting was not successful. Analyzing dependent region SDUMPs is the same as analyzing other IMS SDUMPs.


The IMS end of task (EOT) exit routine discovered a dependent region active in a DL/I or DC call. DFSABSAV does not contain abend 0113 diagnostic information. Instead, at the time of the abend register 4 contains the address of the PST of the original abend.

Locate the PST pointed to by register 4 at the time of the abend. Get the job name from the PSTNJOB field of the PST in the control region memory dump. Use the job name to locate the dependent region in which the original abend occurred. The dump contains PSW registers, the completion code for the original abend, and an RTM2WA for the 0002.

Take the appropriate action indicated by the completion code of the original abend.

An additional test of the IMS Dispatcher Cross-Memory flag (SAPS3CXM) also issues this abend if both the LPS and Dispatcher Cross-Memory flags are on.


Fast Path detected an 'in Fast Path' condition for a dependent region that is terminating. DFSABSAV does not contain abend 0113 diagnostic information. Instead, at the time of the abend, register 4 contains the address of the PST of the original abend.

Locate the PST pointed to by register 4 at the time of the abend. Get the job name from the PSTNJOB field of the PST in the control region memory dump. Use the job name to locate the dependent region in which the original abend occurred. The dump contains PSW registers, the completion code for the original abend, and an RTM2WA for the 0002.

Take the appropriate action indicated by the completion code of the original abend.

An additional test of the IMS Dispatcher Cross-Memory flag (SAPS3CXM) also issues this abend if both the LPS and Dispatcher Cross-Memory flags are on.

System action

The IMS control region terminates abnormally.

Operator response

Emergency restart IMS to bring up the control region.

Problem determination

1, 4, 6, 14, 35

Do not submit an APAR if the abend was the result of MVS CANCEL, SMF JOB STEP TIMING, /STOP REGION CANCEL, or other user-initiated abends.


IMS abends
