DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Visual Explain Tutorial

Visual Explain lets you view the access plan for explained SQL or XQuery statements as a graph.

Important: Access to Visual Explain through the Control Center tools has been deprecated in Version 9.7 and might be removed in a future release. Start using IBM® Data Studio and IBM Optim™ tools. For a mapping between these recommended tools and Control Center tools, see Table of recommended tools versus Control Center tools. Accessing Visual Explain functionality through the IBM Data Studio toolset has not been deprecated.
You can use the information in the graph to tune your queries by performing the following tasks:

The following illustration shows the interaction between the DB2® optimizer and Visual Explain invoked from the Control Center. (Broken lines indicate actions that are required for Visual Explain.)

"DB2 optimizer and Visual Explain"

To learn how to use Visual Explain, you can work through the scenarios in the Visual Explain Tutorial.


To start Visual Explain:

Troubleshooting Tips