ADMIN_GET_SYSIBM_FUNCTION_PARMS table function - Returns information about Db2 built-in functions input and return parameters

The ADMIN_GET_SYSIBM_FUNCTION_PARMS table function returns information about Db2 built-in functions input and return parameters


To execute the routine, one of the following authorizations is required:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the routine
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, the EXECUTE privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the function is automatically created.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram ADMIN_GET_SYSIBM_FUNCTION_PARMS ( routinename , routinespecificname )

The schema is SYSPROC.

Routine parameters

An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies a built-in routine name. Trailing spaces for the parameter are ignored by the function. The argument must be in upper case.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the specificname of the built-in routine. Trailing spaces for the parameter are ignored by the function. The argument must be in upper case.

If the routinename parameter and the routinespecificname parameter are both NULL, all the rows are returned.

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned by the ADMIN_GET_SYSIBM_FUNCTION_PARMS routine
Column name Data type Description
ROUTINESCHEMA VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always SYSIBM.
ROUTINEMODULENAME VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
ROUTINENAME VARCHAR(128) Unqualified name of the routine.
ROUTINEMODULEID INTEGER For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
SPECIFICNAME VARCHAR(128) The specific name of the built-in function. The value is SYS appended with routineid, where routineid is the routineid column value of ADMIN_GET_SYSIBM_FUNCTIONS.
PARAMNAME VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
ROWTYPE CHAR(1) For input parameters, the value is P. For result parameters, the value is R.
ORDINAL SMALLINT The numerical position of the parameter within the routine signature, starting with 1. The return type is returned as ordinal 0.
TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always SYSIBM.
TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
TYPENAME VARCHAR(128) Unqualified name of the data type, where the value of the TYPENAME parameter is only a placeholder and is not necessarily accurate. For possible return types, see the documentation for each built-in function.
LOCATOR CHAR(1) This column for the built-in function is always N.
LENGTH INTEGER The length of the parameter’s data type.
SCALE SMALLINT If the data type of the parameter is DECIMAL, the value represents the scale. If the data type of the parameter is TIMESTAMP, the value shows the number of fractional seconds. If the data type is other than DECIMAL or TIMESTAMP, the value is 0.
TYPESTRINGUNITS VARCHAR(11) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
STRINGUNITSLENGTH INTEGER For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
CODEPAGE SMALLINT For built-in functions, the value is always 0.
COLLATIONSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
COLLATIONNAME VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
CAST_FUNCSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
CASE_FUNCSPECIFIC VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
TARGET_TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
TARGET_TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
TARGET_TYPENAME VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
SCOPE_TABSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
SCOPE_TABNAME VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
TRANSFORMGRPNAME VARCHAR(128) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
DEFAULT CLOB(64K) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.
REMARKS VARCHAR(254) For built-in functions, the value is always NULL.