
In the DB2® Warehouse, Intelligent Miner® constitutes a software development kit (SDK). This SDK consists of DB2 extensions that include an SQL application program interface (API). You can embed the SQL API in business applications to exploit the mining functions from this business application.
The SQL API consists of the following layers that provide different granularity and a different degree of abstraction:

In DB2, professionals can interactively issue SQL statements from the command center or from the command line processor. They can also start mining functions from one of these interfaces.

To assist application developers, the DB2 Warehouse Design Studio provides data mining plug-ins. These plug-ins contain graphical wizards and editors that are integrated in the Eclipse environment. With these plug-ins, you can graphically model mining tasks and generate the SQL to embed Intelligent Miner SQL functionality into your business applications.

To assist database administrators, Intelligent Miner provides administrative functions in the DB2 Warehouse Administration Console Web interface. You can enable a database for mining, administer data mining models, or manage the Intelligent Miner model cache.

Developing mining solutions

Depending on the experience, the personal preferences, the mining skills, and the complexity of the problem to solve, you can choose between the following approaches to develop a mining solution:

Figure 1. Using the Intelligent Miner features in your business environment
The figure above shows a typical scenario of how you can use the Intelligent Miner features in your business environment:
  • An application developer of a business application integrates the Intelligent Miner SQL functionality into the application by using the developer tooling.
  • A professional uses this mining functionality from the business application.
To get familiar with the Intelligent Miner features of DB2 Warehouse, see the following sources:

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