Designing databases for concurrency

By following general recommendations and best practices for database design you can ensure improved concurrency on your Db2 system.


Begin program-specific programming interface information.To design your database to promote concurrency:

  • Keep like things together in the database.
    You can use the following approaches to accomplish these goals:
    • Create tables that are relevant to the same application in the same database.
    • Provide a private database for any application that creates private tables.
    • Create tables together in a segmented table space if they are similar in size and can be recovered together.
  • Keep unlike things apart from each other in the database.
    You can accomplish this goal by using an adequate number of databases, schema or authorization-ID qualifiers, and table spaces to keep unlike things apart. Concurrency and performance is improved for SQL data definition statements, GRANT statements, REVOKE statements, and utilities. A general guideline is a maximum of 50 tables per database.
    For example, assume that user A owns table A and user B owns table B. By keeping table A and table B in separate databases, you can create or drop indexes on these two tables at the same time without causing lock contention.
  • Plan for batch inserts.
    If your application does sequential batch insertions, excessive contention on the space map pages for the table space can occur.

    This problem is especially apparent in data sharing, where contention on the space map means the added overhead of page P-lock negotiation. For these types of applications, consider using the MEMBER CLUSTER option of CREATE TABLESPACE. This option causes Db2 to disregard the clustering index (or implicit clustering index) when assigning space for the SQL INSERT statement.

  • Use LOCKSIZE ANY or PAGE as a design default. Consider LOCKSIZE ROW only when applications encounter significant lock contention, including deadlock and timeout.

    LOCKSIZE ANY is the default for CREATE TABLESPACE. It allows Db2 to choose the lock size, and Db2 usually chooses LOCKSIZE PAGE and LOCKMAX SYSTEM for non-LOB/non-XML table spaces. For LOB table spaces, Db2 chooses LOCKSIZE LOB and LOCKMAX SYSTEM. Similarly, for XML table spaces, Db2 chooses LOCKSIZE XML and LOCKMAX SYSTEM.

    Page-level locking generally results in fewer requests to lock and unlock data for sequential access and manipulation, which translates to reduced CPU cost. Page-level locking is also more likely to result in sequentially inserted rows in the same data page. Row-level locking with MAXROWS=1 can suffer from data page p-locks in data sharing environments. However, page-level locking can avoid the data page p-locks when MAXROWS=1.

    Row-level locking provides better concurrency because the locks are more granular. However, the cost of each lock and unlock request is roughly the same for both page and row-level locking. Therefore, row-level locking is likely to incur additional CPU cost. Row-level locking might also result in more data page latch contention. Sequentially inserted rows, by concurrent threads, are less likely to be in the same data page under row-level locking.

  • Examine small tables, looking for opportunities to improve concurrency by reorganizing data or changing the locking approach.
    For small tables with high concurrency requirements, estimate the number of pages in the data and in the index. In this case, you can spread out your data to improve concurrency, or consider it a reason to use row locks. If the index entries are short or they have many duplicates, then the entire index can be one root page and a few leaf pages.
  • Partition secondary indexes to promote partition independence and reduce lock contention.
    By using data-partitioned secondary indexes (DPSIs) you might also improve index availability, especially for utility processing, partition-level operations (such as dropping or rotating partitions), and recovery of indexes.

    However, using data-partitioned secondary indexes does not always improve the performance of queries. For example, for a query with a predicate that references only the columns of a data-partitioned secondary index, Db2 must probe each partition of the index for values that satisfy the predicate if index access is chosen as the access path. Therefore, take into account data access patterns and maintenance practices when deciding to use a data-partitioned secondary index. Replace a nonpartitioned index with a partitioned index only if you will realize perceivable benefits such as improved data or index availability, easier data or index maintenance, or improved performance.

  • Store fewer rows of data in each data page.
    You can use the MAXROWS clause of CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE, to specify the maximum number of rows that can be on a page. For example, if you use MAXROWS 1, each row occupies a whole page, and you confine a page lock to a single row. Consider this option if you have a reason to avoid using row locking, such as in a data sharing environment where row locking overhead can be greater.
  • If multiple applications access the same table, consider defining the table as VOLATILE.
    Db2 uses index access whenever possible for volatile tables, even if index access does not appear to be the most efficient access method because of volatile statistics. Because each application generally accesses the rows in the table in the same order, lock contention can be reduced.

What to do next

For Db2 subsystems that are members of data sharing groups additional recommendations apply. For information about improving concurrency in data sharing groups, see Improving concurrency in data sharing environments.

End program-specific programming interface information.