Showing value labels in visualizations

You can show value labels in line visualizations and line and column visualizations so that the data values are clearer.

In the Properties icon Properties icon, click the corresponding Show value labels toggle for the line visualization or line and column visualization. By default, these visualizations do not show value labels.

For line visualizations, enable Show value labels to show the value of each data point on the visualization. You can also customize the format of the value labels.

Show value labels field in the Chart section of the Properties icon with custom formatting options.

For line and column visualizations, enable Show column value labels to show the value of each column on the visualization, and enable Show point value labels to show the value of each line data point on the visualization. You can also customize the format of the value labels.

Show column value labels and Show point value labels fields in the Chart section of the Properties icon with custom formatting options.

For more information, see Showing labels in visualizations.