Configuring IIS with SSL

To configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) with secure sockets layer (SSL) you extract the IBM Cognos certificate and then add it to the truststore on IIS.


  1. Go to the install_location/bin directory.
  2. Extract the IBM Cognos certificate by typing the following command:

    On UNIX or Linux operating systems, type -E -T -r destination_file -p NoPassWordSet

    On Microsoft Windows operating systems, type ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -E -T -r destination_file -p NoPassWordSet

  3. Perform Copying the CA certificate to IBM Cognos servers.
  4. Import the certificate to the truststore on IIS.
    For more information about how to import the certificate to the truststore on IIS, see Adding certificates to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store for a local computer.