
Treatments are unique combinations of a cell and an offer version at a particular point in time. Because they enable you to track responses in a very specific way, using treatment codes for response tracking is a best practice.

Treatments are automatically created when you run a flowchart with contact processes (for example, Call list or Mail list) that have been associated with offers. Each treatment is uniquely identified by a system-generated treatment code whose format is specified in the offer template(s) from which the offer(s) were produced. Treatment codes cannot be overridden by users.

Each time a contact process is run (except in test mode), Campaign records the following details:

Running the same contact process twice (in production runs) creates two treatment instances, each with a unique treatment code. This enables you to track responses in a very specific way, back to an exact contact instance. For example, you could run the same promotion on January 15 as you ran on February 15, and if you used the treatment codes for tracking, people responding to the February 15 mailing would be distinguishable from people responding to the January 15 mailing by their treatment codes, even if they were targeted by both promotions.

Treatment codes are not available prior to flowchart runs because they are generated only at run-time, and therefore are not suitable for pre-printed codes requirements. However, they can be output as Campaign-generated fields for tracking or on-demand print purposes.