Offer attributes

Offer attributes are the information that defines an offer. Offer name, Description, and Channel are examples of offer attributes.

Some attributes are specific to a type of offer. For example, Interest Rate might be an attribute of a credit card offer, but not of a free shipping offer.

There are three types of offer attribute:

When administrators define offer attributes in an offer template, each attribute is defined as either static or parameterized. The same offer attribute (for example, Channel), could be static in one offer template, but parameterized in another.

Parameterized attributes in offer templates have default values that you can override when the offer is created and when it is assigned. For example, the introductory interest rate for a credit card offer could be parameterized in its offer template with values of 5%, 8%, and 12%. When you use the template to create an offer, you can select one of those values as the default interest rate. When the offer is subsequently used in a flowchart and assigned to a cell, the flowchart designer can change the interest rate to a different value.