Using the Synonym Function

This function allows you to use a private synonym for selecting a panel. For example, instead of specifying the Fast Path 211 for the Maintain User Profiles dialog you can also enter a word which you may remember better. upm is the default synonym provided by z/VSE for the Maintain User Profiles dialog.

Synonym models are shipped for the model users SYSA, PROG, and OPER. Refer to Fast Paths and Synonyms for Dialogs for the synonyms provided for these users. With the Maintain Synonym dialog, users can change their synonyms and create new ones. Refer to Maintaining Synonyms for a description of the dialog. Note that if you use a synonym to access a dialog, PF3 returns to the initial function selection panel.
Note: For the dialogs described in this publication, you will find two boxes showing the related Fast Path and the default synonym, if available. The synonym box has space left to allow you to add the synonym you created for yourself.