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Uninstalling IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition Version 8.0 using the command line

IBM® WebSphere® SDK Java™ Technology Edition Version 6.0 is no longer in service. Using IBM Installation Manager, you can optionally install IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition Version 8.0. For new installations of WebSphere Application Server or later, Java SE 8 is installed by default.

Before you begin

Make sure that no commands or server profiles are using IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition Version 8.0 before you uninstall it. Server profiles that use IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition Version 8.0 cannot function when it is uninstalled. Run the managesdk command to switch the SDK used by commands and server profiles.


  1. Log on to your system.
  2. Stop all servers and applications on the installation.
  3. Change to the eclipse/tools subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager.
  4. Use the imcl command to uninstall the offering.
    imcl.exe uninstall com.ibm.websphere.IBMJAVA.v80
      -installationDirectory installation_directory
    ./imcl uninstall com.ibm.websphere.IBMJAVA.v80
      -installationDirectory installation_directory

    Go to the IBM Installation Manager documentation for more information.