Joining multiple tables into a singular view

You can customize workspaces by combining data from two or more input tables to generate a new output table.

Combining data from several input tables is referred to as a relational join, and is a way of aggregating the rows and columns from two or more tables into a new table with a singular view. You might consider joining several tables into a new table to create a consolidated view of certain performance data, rather than viewing the data in multiple subpanels and workspaces.

You are able to join data from up to 15 input tables. Those tables can be from a single version of OMEGAMON or from any number of different OMEGAMON products. For example, you might combine data from one OMEGAMON for z/OS® table with data from one OMEGAMON for IMS table and display the result in a single table of your own design.

Figure 1. Sample table join that shows a workspace with two OMEGAMON for z/OS tables and a CICS table joined.
Sample table join screenshot
Detailed instructions on table join customization are located in the online help for your enhanced 3270UI session. Follow these steps to navigate to the Help panel for the KOBJOIN1 workspace, where the customization process is documented.
  1. Navigate to the Help and Workspace Directory KOBHLDIR. See Help and Workspace Directory for more information on how to reach the KOBHLDIR workspace.
  2. Expand the New Features branch.
    Figure 2. New Features
    New Features
  3. Drill down on the Joining Data row.
  4. You arrive at the Help panel for the KOBJOIN1 workspace. Expand each branch to find step-by-step instructions on the customization process.
    Figure 3. KOBHLRTT workspace with Input Tables branch expanded.
    KOBHLRTT workspace with Input Tables branch expanded
Note: The comprehensive list of instructions for joining tables can only be found in the enhanced 3270UI Help Directory.