This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

JSON format properties and data type conversions

Properties and data type conversions of the JSON format are described.

Configurable properties

The following properties can be configured.

Table 1. Configurable JSON format properties
Property name Explanation Possible values Default value
Encoding This is the encoding that will be used in converting bytes to string and string to bytes wherever applicable. Enum All encodings

Data type conversions

JSON type system is more constrained than the XSD type system. JSON supports a value of type String, Number and Boolean. It does not support octal and hexdecimal values. The data handler will delegate all type conversions to the business object. Hence, all conversions that are supported by the business object will be supported by the data handler. We recommend that the type should match between the JSON data and the corresponding data objects but we are tolerant with certain formats as shown in the tables below.

JSON to DataObject conversions

Table 2. Conversion from JSON type to DataObject type
JSON/DataObject String Long Double boolean Date, datetime
String Valid Valid if value is long Valid if value is double Valid if value is true or false Valid if the value is a date
Long Valid Valid Valid Invalid Valid if the value is a date
Double Valid Valid if value is long Valid Invalid Invalid
Boolean Valid Invalid Invalid Valid Invalid

For simple type lists, the types between the JSON data and the schema have to match.

For the base64Binary and hexBinary types, the business object will be converted to byte[], however this is not a JSON data supported type. JSONDataHandler will automatically convert the byte[] to a string based on the encoding information configured on the JSON format properties.

DataObject to JSON conversions

Table 3. DataObject type to JSON type
DataObject JSON
String String
Long Long
Integer Long
Double Double
Float Double
Boolean Boolean
Date String
Datetime String