Guided analysis view

In the guided analysis view, you can iteratively analyze your collection, digging deeper into the data based on suggested analyses provided by IBM Watson® Explorer Content Miner.

When you enter the guided analysis view, you will see a screen similar to the following screen.

Mining graph

The view contains four main parts.

Mining graph
The mining graph displays a visualization of your analysis.
The toolbar at the top of the screen contains buttons that execute global commands.
The analysis dashboard that lets you select and save different layouts.
Facet Analysis pane
The Facet Analysis pane lets you customize your analysis.

These parts are described further in the following sections.

You can also select Guided Mode (the default) or Applies to version 12.0.1 and subsequent versions unless specifically overridden Expert Mode. Expert Mode provides a user interface similar to Watson Explorer version 11 and earlier. In this mode, the mining graph and suggested actions are hidden by default. In guided mode, when you invoke Analyze More, analysis results are hidden and mining graph actions are suggested. But in expert mode, when you invoke Analyze More, the current view is still displayed and the content is refreshed based on the new analysis context.

You can click Repository (Repository) to open the Repository pane. This pane contains exported documents. You can download exported documents to your local file system from this pane. Click Facet Analysis (Facet Analysis) to return to the Facet Analysis pane.

You can click Domain Adaptation Curator (Domain Adaptation Curator) to open the Domain Adaptation Curator pane. This button is only visible if you enabled Domain Adaptation Curator when you created the collection. For more information on this pane, see Domain Adaptation Curator.

Mining graph

The mining graph provides a visualization of the progress of your analysis. As the analysis proceeds, the graph becomes longer. You can move the graph around in the screen by holding down the cursor in the window and dragging the mouse. An example of the mining graph after further analysis steps is shown here.

Mining graph long

The nodes represent the steps in the analysis. The left-most node displays the starting point with all documents and the right-most node shows the current point of the analysis. These two nodes also show the number of documents, which in the example above has been reduced from 20,000 to 30. To the right of the final node are suggested actions for further analysis. Some of the following actions may be suggested. Only the applicable actions will be shown. Click the action to execute it.

Analyze cause or characteristics
Watson™ Explorer Content Miner examines facets and suggests characteristic words and facets.
Analyze trends and anomaly
Invoke topic and trends analysis for current context node.
Analyze sentiment and reputation
Invoke sentiment facet for current context node. This action is available only when the sentiment annotator is enabled for this collection.
Facet Analysis
Show facet analysis view, if hidden.
Show Documents
Show documents view for user to see current documents.
Show Timeseries
Show timeseries view.
Analyze Relation between Facets
Enable facet analysis view and set default analysis-type pairs. Use this to run pair analysis with various metadata facets.
There is also a content-sensitive menu for each node. Click a node to open this menu. This menu has the following actions.
Set Current Context
Set this node as the current context node.
Show Analysis Dashboard
Show last analysis results invoked by the user for this node.
Add Query Text
Add a query for this node. There are two options.
New query
The new query replaces the existing query.
Add to current query
The new query is added to the existing query.
Show Documents
Show the documents view for this node.
Show Timeseries
Show the timeseries view for this node.
Delete this node.


The toolbar contains the following commands

Reset (Reset)
Revert back to the all documents node.
Undo (Undo)
Undo the most recent action.
Add Query Text (Add Query Text)
Add a query for this node. There are two options.
New query
The new query replaces the existing query.
Add to current query
The new query is added to the existing query.
Show Documents (Show Documents)
Open documents view for the current node.
Show Timeseries (Show Timeseries)
Open timeseries view for the current node.
Show Analysis Dashboard (Show Analysis Dashboard)
Open analysis dashboard for the current node.
Save Analysis (Save Analysis)
You can save the existing analysis. You can save the mining graph structure and query so the analysis can be resumed immediately later. You can also open a previously saved analysis.
Settings (Settings)
Open the settings dialog. You can set the language and time zone, and also revert to the default settings.


Analysis dashboard can be saved
Mining graph
  • Dropdown is added for user to select layout file. When user invoke the analysis, "New Layout" file is automatically created by system. The content of "New Layout" is changed when user do another analysis. If "append mode" is enabled in "Facet Analysis", results are added to "New Layout".
  • To save Layout or edit metadata of saved layout, select layout and click "save" icon (3rd) icon. Then Save dialog is shown. User can set following properties
    • Name: Name of layout file
    • Sharing Mode: Private or Shared (Private is visible for author, Shared is visible for all users)
    • Add to Facet Analysis option (New analysis type is added to "Facet Analysis" pane, it invoke the same analysis conditions of this dashboard is
    • User can select Save or Save As
      Mining graph
  • To delete Layout, click the Delete icon
  • If you modified the saved layout, a mark ("*") is added to the layout name. To revert, click the Reset icon
  • Click the Auto Layout icon to re-layout by using the system default layout algorithm
Analysis dashboard customization
  • Dashboard save includes following things

    • Customization of Layout
    • Customization of each Analysis Results
  • Layout

    • Move by dragging the black border header area of each pane
    • Resize by dragging the resize handle at the right bottom of each pane
  • When a layout is not saved (New Layout), when you add the new analysis results in the current layout, or remove existing ones, the system automatically re-lays out the whole content

  • When a layout is saved, when you add the new analysis results in the current layout or remove existing ones, try to keep the existing saved layout as much as possible.

    Each analysis result

    Mining graph
    • You can customize the analysis from the toolbar or result visualization
    • The Toolbar is expanded when a single analysis result is in the dashboard; for multiple results, the toolbar is collapsed by default
      • Label: Click on a label, move to label edit mode. Move the focus to apply a change

        Mining graph
        Mining graph
    • Filter: User can filter current values by text (not saved)

    • Number of Results: User can change the number of results of current analysis from here (saved)

    • Selection Mode: By default, user can select multiple values in each analysis result. But if a user specifies "single" mode, the user can select only one value at a time. (saved)

      • Multiple: Select multiple values
      • Single: Select a single value
      • Clear Selection: Clears current item selection in this pane
    • Filter Others: If user enabled this option, when user select some values in this analysis results, its query is applied to the other analysis results in same layout to filter. For example, if you have "Maker" facet result and "Products" facet results in same layout, enabled "Filter Others" of "Maker" and select some value of it, then only Products of selected Maker is displayed. This is very powerful enhancement of real analysis scene. (saved)

      When you enable a filter, and select items from the filter enabled pane, then other panes are updated. The data of each pane is updated but its item selections are kept. This behavior may be confusing: each pane shows the top "N" (default it 50) items in the pane, but because a selected item is not included in the top "N" items, it may not always be shown in the pane.

    • Boolean Operator: Select AND or OR operator to create query from multiple values.(not saved)

    • Export: Download as Image Applies to version 12.0.3 and subsequent versions unless specifically overridden is added. User can get the screenshot PNG File of current analysis. (not saved)

    • Visualization: User can select visualization type. (saved)

    • Maximize/Minimize: Maximize, Minimize current analysis result. (not saved)

    • Snapshot: See "report" KC item. (not saved)

    • Close: Remove analysis result from current dashboard. (not saved)

    • Expand/Collapse: Show/Hide Toolbar (saved)

      Mining graph
  • Result visualization
    • Sort Order is saved
Dashboard in Collection page
Mining graph
  • Dashboard List is added to collection page. User can check the analysis results easily. Click "Analyze More", then open its dashboard in analysis page to investigate deeper.

Facet Analysis pane

You can select facet analysis from the Facet Analysis pane. To invoke facet analysis, select the analysis type and options, and then select a facet from the analysis tree. The options in this pane are described below.

Analysis Type
Select analysis types from Correlation, Trends, Topic, Applies to version 12.0.1 and subsequent versions unless specifically overridden Pairs, Applies to version 12.0.1 and subsequent versions unless specifically overridden Sentiment, Applies to version 12.0.1 and subsequent versions unless specifically overridden Connections, Factor or Applies to version 12.0.2 and subsequent versions unless specifically overridden Dynamic Clustering.
Number of Facets
Specify the number of facets to analyze. The default value and available options vary based on the analysis type.
Date Facet
Select the date facet to analyze. This options is enabled only for Trends and Topics analysis types.
Time Scale
Select the time scale to analyze. This options is enabled only for Trends and Topics analysis types.
Time Period
Select the time period to analyze. This options is enabled only for Trends and Topics analysis types.
Target Facets
Select a facet from this tree. For a Pairs analysis, select row and column facets. For a Connections analysis, select between 2 and 5 facets, and then click Analyze.
Click search (search) in the toolbar and enter a label filter for the category tree and the subfacet category tree.
Show always
If selected, the facet analysis pane is always visible.
Show Subfacet
If selected, the category tree for subfacets is displayed.
Append Mode
If selected, a newly submitted analysis is added to the existing analysis. The analysis dashboard shows multiple analysis results simultaneously
Click to invoke an analysis. Depending on the analysis type this button runs the analysis.