
Exits shutdown mode, allowing other Watson™ Explorer Engine processes to start. Additional command-line arguments can be supplied to start the Watson Explorer Engine query service and scheduler.


engine-start [-h|-help|-?|


The engine-start command is located in the bin subdirectory of a Watson Explorer Engine installation (On Microsoft operating systems this command has the .exe file extension). Executing this command with the right options takes a Watson Explorer Engine installation out of shutdown mode, enabling Watson Explorer Engine processes to be started, but does not actually start any Watson Explorer Engine processes unless additional flags are set.

If the embedded web server has been enabled for this Watson Explorer Engine installation using embedded-webserver-config it will be started by engine-start
Note: When starting the embedded web server for a Watson Explorer Engine installation for the first time on Microsoft operating systems that are running the Microsoft firewall or which support User Account Control (UAC) warnings, your system may display a dialog requesting that you unblock the program in your firewall or otherwise grant the application access to your network. You must approve whichever of these access request you see in order for applications to be able to use this web server.


  • -h|-help|-? Displays the command line help message and then exits.
  • -query-service Starts the Watson Explorer Engine query service after exiting shut down mode, which enables a Watson Explorer Engine installation to respond to queries.
    Note: The Watson Explorer Engine installation must be bootstrapped in order to start the query service. This is done automatically by engine-start if the embedded web server is enabled, but must be done manually otherwise.
  • -quiet Suppress all standard messages and only display fatal error messages. Setting this flag implies setting -yes as well.
  • -scheduler Starts the scheduler Watson Explorer Engine scheduler with a "boot" message, causing the scheduler to start all Watson Explorer Engine services that have been registered to start at boot time. Schedulable services include repository synchronization, building a dictionary, building and emailing a report, running alerts, starting or stopping a search collection crawl, starting or stopping the query service, or testing a specified source.
    Note: The Watson Explorer Engine installation must be bootstrapped in order to start the scheduler. This is done automatically by engine-start if the embedded web server is enabled, but must be done manually otherwise.
  • -yes Proceeds without prompting the user for confirmation.

Exit Status

  • 0 - Command executed successfully
  • 1 - Command encountered an error
  • 2 - Usage requested by user
Note: On Linux systems, exit codes above 127 are returned by the shell. Consult the documentation for the shell that you are using for more information.