Uploading the Apple VPP token to MaaS360

Upload the Apple VPP token to the MaaS360® Portal to manage Apple VPP licenses for specific users, groups of users, or devices.


  1. In the MaaS360 Portal, go to the App Catalog.
  2. From the More menu, click Apple VPP Licenses.
  3. Click Add Token at the upper right of the screen.
    The Enable License Codes window is displayed.
  4. From the Enabled License Codes window, provide the following information:
    Token Detail
    • From the Token Detail tab, configure the following options:
      • Token name: Enter a unique token name that helps identify the token.
      • VPP token file: From the Apple VPP portal, upload the *.vpptoken file.
      • Region: Select the region for the token from the drop-down list.
      • Add apps automatically: Enable this option if you want to automatically add apps to the App Catalog that are associated with the VPP token. The apps are added to policies that are configured in the Policies tab. This setting is not supported for macOS apps.
        • Both iTunes apps and B2B apps that are associated with the VPP token are uploaded to the App Catalog.
        • Apps that are already in the App Catalog are not added again.
        • Automatically pushes any new updates that are available for an app in the B2B app store. When an administrator or a developer updates the app in Apple Store Connect, these app updates are automatically available for MDM servers that are configured with a VPP token. This update might take up to a day for MaaS360 to receive from the B2B app store. Updates are pushed to devices based on the automatic update settings that are enabled by the administrator in the MaaS360 Portal. The update mechanism for custom B2B apps uses the same rule sets for public app store app updates. For more information about automatic app update settings through the App Catalog, see Configuring app settings in the MaaS360 Portal.
    • From the Policies tab, configure the following options:
      • Remove app on: Choose one of the following scenarios to remove the app:
        • MDM control removal
        • Selective wipe
        • Deletion from the MaaS360 Portal or stopping distribution
      • Revoke license on: Enable this option to revoke the VPP license when the app is deleted from the MaaS360 Portal or when app distribution is stopped.
      • App policies and behavior: Enable this option to restrict a data backup to iTunes.
      • App approval: Enable this option to add the app for approval.
    • From the Distribution tab, configure the following option:
      • Restrict to user groups: The token is available to a specific user group. If you are working with a single token, only users from that group receive the apps that are assigned the attached Apple VPP license. Users in other groups that are pushed the same apps receive those apps without an associated Apple VPP license. Those installations do not reduce the license count.
  5. Click Submit.
    The VPP token is successfully uploaded to the MaaS360 Portal and the status of the token is displayed as Active. You can track the status of the apps that are added from VPP Token upload from the Token Details page. For more information, see Tracking the status of apps added from an Apple VPP Token upload.
    Note: When a token is revoked, MaaS360 updates the status to Revoked and displays an error message on the Apple VPP page. The token is revoked in the following cases:
    • The password for the Apple ID that was used to download the token changed.
    • When the VPP license is renewed for thousands of apps all at once, the inventory update suggests that the Apple VPP might flag your account. If your account is revoked, contact Apple Support.