Installing Office 365 Suite on Windows 10+ devices

MaaS360® supports silent installation and uninstallation of Office 365 Suite on Windows 10+ MDM devices through a simple device group action. Using this action enables a Microsoft Office client to be installed or uninstalled on devices through the Office Deployment Tool (ODT). This action is supported on Windows 10 devices 1703+.

The workflow to Deploy Office 365 Suite and Uninstall Office 365 Suite allows administrators to attach an Office XML configuration file to automatically download and automatically install or remove various Office 365 editions. The Office XML configuration file is sent to the Office Deployment Tool through MDM commands to trigger the installation or uninstallation of Office 365 as needed.

Advantages of using the Office Deployment Tool to install Office 365

  • Organizations can easily distribute Office applications with the Office Customization Tool to provide various options for bandwidth optimization that includes using a local server as a download source.
  • Organizations can distribute language files to users based on different user regions or OS languages.
  • Groups of users can install different Office products based on whether that group of users is approved to use a specific office product license.