IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page

The IBM® MaaS360® Portal Home page provides easy access to information where you manage enrolled smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

The IBM MaaS360 Portal Home is modernized with an enhanced user experience (UX), customization options, and more widgets to provide users with a more seamless and intuitive experience. These widgets include Compliance status, Device last reported, and High severity risk incidents, which provide valuable insights into the health and performance of your devices. In addition, Quick links and Support information are also provided for easy navigation to the workflow.

You can customize the dashboard by selecting widgets from the Available widgets list and rearranging them on the dashboard for better visibility.

You can add the Device, User, and Application from the Home page; based on the selection, it redirects to the respective pages. For more information, see Devices, Users, and Apps.

To view the modernized Home page, click the Portal Profile icon Portal Profile icon and set the Modernized homepage (Beta) to On.

Note: The Navigation menu, Search, and Portal icons remain the same as in the current Home page.
The following sections are available in the modernized IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page:
Important: Configured preferences for widgets in the dashboard are specific to the administrator who logged in.

Organization overview

For more information about managing inventory, see the following topics:
  • Devices: The device count includes only the devices that are activated and enrolled. This count does not include the devices that are hidden, mailbox that is synchronized, or in a user removed control state. Also, it displays the number of devices that are enrolled in the last week.
    Note: Compared to the modernized Home page, the device count on the current Home page includes only the devices in activated, enrolled, and pending removed control state with licenses assigned. If a device is market as pending control removal, it means that the licenses are removed. Administrators can hide devices to remove the license. Unless hidden, these devices are included in the device count that is shown on the home page.
  • Users: The user count includes users with enrolled devices and with no devices. It also displays the number of users without device enrollment.
  • Apps: The app count includes the number of apps available in the App Catalog.
  • Polices in use: The policy count includes the number of policies that are created and published.
  • Risk score: The average risk score is displayed as a whole number based on the security risk incidents for configured risk rules on the Security Dashboard. It also displays trendings for increasing and decreasing the risk score.
    Important: The Risk score is displayed only when the User Risk Management service is enabled on the Services page. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, go to Setup > Services > Endpoint Security to enable the service.

Activity feed

Important updates on IBM MaaS360 Portal activity include new devices, policy changes, users that are entering the environment, and devices that are enrolled. You can filter this list by using options like Devices and users, Applications, Security, or Cloud Extender® alerts along with the date range.
Note: Compared to the modernized Home page, My Activity Feed widget in the current Home page sorts this list by using options like Recent Additions, Compliance Events, Updates, or Cloud Extender Alerts.

Device last reported

You can view all active devices in percentage for the configured enrollment modes. To configure, hover over the Filter icon and select the respective checkbox for enrollment modes in the Enrolment Modes then save the changes. You can sort the list based on the available date range and custom date range options like Days ago, Weeks ago, Months ago.

Compliance status

You can view the number of active devices that are compliant and out of compliance. Devices are considered out of compliance if they fail to meet any one of the App Compliance, Rules Compliance, or Policy Compliance requirements. To view device count and details, hover over the Compliance status chart and click the respective section for compliance and out-of-compliance devices.

High severity risk incidents

Important: The High severity risk incidents widget is displayed only when the User Risk Management service is enabled on the Services page. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, go to Setup > Services > Endpoint Security to enable the service.

You can view the number of active devices that are affected by each type of risk incident by percentage for different types of security risks. In this case, the Device inactivity risk is the most prevalent, followed Older version of OS, Older version of MaaS360 app, Device encryption and Other Risks. To view device count, hover over the High severity risk incidents chart and click the respective section for risk incidents. You can view individual risk incidents by selecting the respective checkbox for risk incident.

My Alert Center

To see the My Alert Center on the current Home page, click the Portal Profile icon Portal Profile icon and set the Modernized homepage (Beta) to Off.

Customizable tabs that alert you on security issues that exist in your environment or information alerts that display inventory changes in your environment.

Choose one of the following actions:
  • Device Locations icon: Click the Device Locations icon to display a map that shows the location of all existing devices in your environment.
  • Add Alerts icon: Click the Plus sign icon to add a new alert tab to your Alert Center.

    Use the Advanced Search feature in the Configuring search criteria topic to define criteria for the new alert tab such as security or informational.

    The Red security alert tabs turn green when devices populate the alert tab. Informational alert tabs are displayed in blue.

  • Refresh Alerts icon: Click the Refresh Alerts icon to refresh the alert tabs. By default, the alert tabs refresh on every 24 hours.
  • Alert Center History icon: Click the Alert Center History icon to view a list of alerts that are active in your environment.
  • More Information icon: Click the Information icon to display the status of security alerts and information alerts in your environment.
Note: Alerts are not specific to administrators or global. Each administrator can customize an alert.

You can view platform notifications and warning messages that are displayed for administrators on the MaaS360® Portal Home page. MaaS360 integrates with numerous services that use certificates or tokens that the administrator must periodically renew before they expire. For more information, see Platform notifications and warnings.

My Advisor with IBM Watson Insights Advisor

To see the My Advisor with IBM Watson Insights Advisor on the current Home page, click the Portal Profile icon Portal Profile icon and set the Modernized homepage (Beta) to Off .

The MaaS360 Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) community provides crucial information about issues affecting the MaaS360 product. The My Advisor also provides security information relevant to your environment, such as unstable devices, new risks, or vulnerabilities introduced by users in the environment.

You can view all insights or insights that are specific to Information updates, Opportunity improvements in the MaaS360 customer account, and any Risk Exposures in your account.

You can also sort insights by the last 30 days, 60 days, or 180 days.

  • Refresh icon: Click the Refresh icon to load the latest Insights Advisor for your account.
  • Subscribe icon: Click the Subscribe icon to subscribe to weekly notifications from Insights Advisor.