Adding Users and Setting Permissions for the SQL Database

After creating the database that contains the Sterling Gentran:Server® tables, you need to add users to your database management system and give the users permission to access the Sterling Gentran:Server database.

Use this procedure to add users in SQL server and give them access to the database.

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs > SQL Management Studio.

    The first time you execute the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, you are prompted to register the SQL server.

  2. Select Microsoft SQL Server.
  3. Select your server name and expand.
  4. Select Security.
  5. Right-click on Logins and select New. Enter the username.
  6. To set permissions, double-click the user account and do one of the following:
    • If you are using SQL Authentication, enter the user name.
    • If you are using Windows Authentication, select Windows Authentication and select either domain or local.
  7. Change the default database to GentranDatabase.
  8. On the left side, select Server Roles. On the right side, select public and sysadmin.
  9. On the left side, select User Mapping.
  10. On the right side, select GentranDatabase.
  11. Under Database Roles, select public and db_owner.
  12. Click OK.