What is a public link?

When you want to share a folder with someone not in the Files app in your workspace, without requiring your recipient to log in to Aspera on Cloud, send a public link. A public link enables unauthenticated sharing.

When you share using a public link, AoC sends your recipient an email containing a link. When your recipient clicks the link, an AoC portal opens, allowing your recipient to access the folder you shared. AoC does not require your recipient to log in. Your recipient can act on folder contents based on the permission you set for them.

When you create a public link, you can configure the following:

Note: Folder collaborators with Edit permission can manage all links to the folder, including those created by other users. For details, see Sharing permissions.

You can generate an email to the outside user; the email includes the link, the expiration, and a message if you want. You can also simply copy the link and deliver it to the recipient by another means.


1) When your recipient clicks the link, Aspera on Cloud prompts them to install IBM Aspera Connect. For more information, refer to Installing Aspera Connect.

2) This link is truly public, in that the user you give the link to can in turn give the link to another person, who can then access the content you shared. Use the public shared link with trusted colleagues.

For a procedure describing how to use the public shared link, refer to Share with external users.