
Following are the FTP commands supported by Connect:Direct® FTP+. In some cases, Connect:Direct FTP+ accepts a command, but ignores it during processing. This enables existing FTP scripts, which may require a user name and password, to be used.

Note: Some commands require a file or directory name. Enclose any file or directory names with spaces within quotes. For example, cd “c:\data\new files\received files”.




Applies an extra user ID and password to obtain additional access to a remote computer. The command is ignored.


Performs the same function as the acct command.Command is ignored.

append localfile remotefile

Appends the specified local file to the file on the remote computer. For example, append newdata.txt prevdata.txt appends the newdata.txt file to the prevdata.txt file on the remote computer.


Specify this type to transfer text and HTML files.


Sets the transfer mode to block. The command is ignored.


Rings a bell after file transfer. The command is ignored.


Sets the transfer type to binary. A binary file is any file other than a text file. Specify this type to transfer graphics, audio, and video files.


Exits and ends connection with the remote computer. This command performs the same function as exit or quit.


Turns case sensitivity on and off.

cd directory

Changes the remote computer directory to the specified directory.


Changes the remote computer directory to the parent directory (moves up one directory level).


Closes a connection with a remote computer. This command performs the same function as the disconnect command.


Changes the transfer mode to compress. The command is ignored.

debug level

Sets the logging level used for audit trails and troubleshooting for this session only. There are 4 logging levels:

0–no logging 1–log commands only 2–log commands and replies 3–log commands, replies, and method entries 4–log commands, replies, method entries and full communication traces

The higher the logging level, the more data tracked, and file transfer takes longer. For optimal performance, set logging level to 0.

delete filename

Deletes a file from the remote computer.

dir filename

Displays the remote directory contents. Specify full or partial file names. For example, dir test* displays all files beginning with test.

Local and remote directory listings are always displayed in UNIX format, even when Connect:Direct FTP+ runs on Microsoft Windows.


Closes a remote connection. This command performs the same function as the close command.


Changes the transfer type to text. This transfer type is typically used for sending files to mainframe remote computers.


Exits and ends the connection with the remote computer. This command performs the same function as bye or quit.


Changes the file structure to file. The command is ignored.

get filename

Transfers a file from the remote system to the local system. This command performs the same function as the recv command.


Enables or disables the use of asterisks (*) and question marks (?) as wildcard characters in file names or path names. By default, globbing is enabled.


Prints the pound sign (#) character for every 1,024 bytes of data transferred. The command is ignored.


Displays a listing of commands and a short description of each.

help command

Displays a description for the specified command.

lcd directory

Changes the directory on the local computer.

ldelete filename

Deletes a file from the local computer.

ldir filename

Displays the local computer directory contents. You can optionally specify full or partial file names. For example, ldir data* displays all files beginning with data.

Local and remote directory listings are displayed in UNIX format, even when running on a Microsoft Windows computer.

literal command

Sends an arbitrary FTP command. This command performs the same function as the quote command.The command is ignored.

lls filename

Displays a list of file names from within the current local directory. You can specify full or partial file names. For example, lls test* displays all files beginning with test.

lmkdir directory

Creates the specified directory on the local computer.

locsite keywords

Sets local computer options. The command is ignored.


Retrieves the status of the local computer.


Prints the current working directory of the local computer.

lrmdir directory

Removes the specified directory from the local computer.


Displays a list of file names from the current remote directory. Specify full or partial file names. For example, ls test* displays files within the current remote directory beginning with test.

mdelete filename filename

Deletes multiple files. Separate each file name with a space.

mdir directory localfile

Prints files in the specified remote directory to the specified local file.

mget filename filename

Retrieves multiple files from the remote computer. Separate each file name with a space.

mkdir directory

Creates a specified directory on remote computer.

mls directory localfile

Sends a list of file names in the specified remote directory to the specified local file.

mode B|S|C

Changes the file transfer mode to block, stream, or compress. Only compress mode (C) is supported. Connect:Direct FTP+ accepts the other modes, but ignores them.

mput filename filename

Transfers multiple files to the remote computer. Separate each file name with a space.


Sends a blank command to verify that remote computer is connected.

open site

Connects to the remote computer specified in the configuration file. Connect:Direct FTP+ ignores the site parameter.

pass password

Sends the specified password to the remote computer. The command is ignored.


Turns the Connect:Direct FTP+ prompt on and off. If on, you can selectively retrieve or store files during multiple file transfers (mget and mput). If off, all files are transferred.

proxy command

Sends the specified command to a proxy server. The command is ignored.

put localfilename remotefilename

Copies the specified local file to the remote computer. You can assign an optional remote file name. This is the same function as the send command.


Displays the current remote directory.


Exits and ends the connection with the remote computer. This performs the same function as the bye or exit command.

quote command

Sends an arbitrary FTP command. This command performs the same function as the literal command.The command is ignored.


Sets the transfer mode to record. The command is ignored.

recv filename

Copies a file on the remote computer to the local computer. This command performs the same function as the get command.


Retrieves help information from the remote computer.

rename filename1 filename2

Renames the remote file in filename1 to the name specified in filename2.


Restarts the last file transfer operation. The command is ignored.

rmdir directory

Removes the specified directory from the remote computer.


Controls the use of the PORT command. The command is ignored.

send localfilename remotefilename

Copies the specified local file to the remote computer. You can assign an optional remote file name. This performs the same function as the put command.


Sends site-dependent information. The command is ignored.


Sends site-dependent information. The command is ignored.


Displays the current connection status.


Changes the transfer mode to stream. The command is ignored.

structure F|R

Changes the file structure to file or record.


Turns on or off store unique for the remote system. The command is ignored.


Displays the name of the remote computer’s operating system.


Turns packet tracing on or off. The command is ignored.

type A|E|I|

Specifies the file transfer type. The values are:

A–ASCII E–EBCDIC I–Image or binary ASCII and EBCDIC files are treated as text mode transfers. Image or binary files as treated as binary mode transfers.

user userID password

Logs on to the remote computer. The command is ignored. The user ID is determined from the configuration file.


Turns verbose mode on or off. When verbose is on, all responses are displayed.