IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version 2.5

Deploying a virtual machine

The IBM® Cloud Orchestrator Self-Service Catalog provides a default offering that you can use to deploy a single virtual server by using OpenStack Nova.

Before you begin

Note: AIX® images do not have the ability to change the password of a user or inject an SSH key at deployment time. Though these options do not work for AIX, they are available on the page.

Alternatively, you can deploy a predefined Linux virtual machine or Windows virtual machine by following the procedure described in Deploying a Linux virtual machine or Deploying a Windows virtual machine.


  1. Log in to the Self-service user interface as an End User.
  2. In the menu bar, click SELF-SERVICE CATALOG.
  3. Click Deploy cloud services > Deploy single virtual server. The Deploy single virtual server page opens.
  4. Select the region where the virtual server must be deployed to.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter the virtual server details:
    1. Specify a Server Name.
      Note: Depending on the selected region and the associated hypervisor, restrictions might apply on the set of characters which can be used for the server name. For example, VMware does not allow to use blanks or underscores in the server name.
    2. Select an image, availability zone, and flavor from the drop-down menus. Select the network by selecting the check box beside the network name.
      For more information about availability zones, see:
    3. Optional: If a key was generated, you can select Use Key to Access Virtual Machine and, in the displayed menu, select one of the keys to access a virtual machine.
    4. Optional: Select Set UserId and Password. Enter a user ID and specify whether a password must be set on the virtual machine. To set the password on the virtual machine, the cloud-init package must be installed on the deployed image. Another check box is displayed to specify whether the password must be changed at the first login.

      The default user to be used can be configured in the cloud-init configuration file. Each Linux distribution has its own default user. For more information, see

      Note: For Microsoft Windows virtual machines: Do not edit the UserId field. You can change the password only for the user who is specified in the cloudbase-init configuration file.
    5. Optional: Click Attach Volume and in the displayed window select the volumes to be attached to the deployed virtual machine.

What to do next

Proceed to Managing virtual machine instances.