Test a Map

The Map Test feature enables you to remotely test a map (.txo) on a client machine prior to checking the map in to the server. This feature executes the map through the translator and returns results to you in the Web browser and text editor configured as the default for the machine, so you can make any necessary changes prior to checking in and using the map.

The Remote Map Test feature adds files to the Map Editor > 3rd Party > IBM® subdirectory, including the following:

  • MapTestReport.xml (this is the translation report)
  • MapTestResult.txt (this is the result of the translation, if any)
  • StdErrOut.txt (this is a log file that contains errors from the map test, if any)
The MapTestReport.xml and MapTestResult.txt files are opened and displayed for you at the conclusion of the map test process. The StdErrOut.txt file is available for access in the Map Editor > 3rd Party > IBM subdirectory. These files will be helpful if you need to contact Customer Support if you encounter an issue when running the remote map test.
  • When you use the Report Map Test feature, you must use the short path (for example, C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk1.5.0_15\bin) when you are using the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable.
  • You can download the 32-bit JDK from Fix Central.

For more information on adding a certificate to the Java™ JRE certificate store, see the "Import Certificates for Java WebStart" topic in our related documentation for this product.

Note: You can turn off the Map Test service to prevent users who have access to a trading partner's system from attempting to use the Map Test feature to run translation on that trading partner's system. Turning off the Map Test service prevents the possible execution of JDBC maps that could access production data. To turn off the Map Test service, access the customer_overrides.properties file and set the maptest.MaptestServiceEnabled property to false.

To test your map:

  1. In Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor, open the map.
  2. If the map accesses a database (for example, JDBC or ODBC), configure the map to point to a non-production database. Any map that accesses a database may change the database; for the map test, you should ensure that the map is not changing a production database.
  3. Ensure that the map is completed and compile the map. See Compile a Map for more information.
  4. Select Functions > Map Test.
  5. In the Login Server and dashboard port box, type the server name and dashboard port in the format [server name]:[dashboard port]. The port number required for this parameter is not the base port for the install but rather the dashboard port. The dashboard URL and port are typically listed in the UNIX shell after the Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor is successfully started. This box cannot be left blank.
    Note: The dashboard port is displayed to your administrator when your server is started. If you specify your base port, the Map Test will fail.
  6. If you are using SSL, (using a secure https:// URL instead of an http:// URL), select the Use SSL option.
    Note: If you are using SSL, the client will access the server using HTTPS instead of HTTP. Therefore, if the Map Test HTTP server is using SSL, the client also must use SSL.
  7. In the Login Server User Name box, type the user name that is used by the Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor to access the Map Test service.
  8. In the Login Server User Password box, type the password that is used by the Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor to access the Map Test service.
  9. In the Proxy Server and port box, type the proxy server name and port for the client machine in the format [proxy server name]:[port].
    Note: This parameter is only necessary if you are executing translation beyond a system firewall.
  10. In the Translation Object box, type the name of the compiled translation object (or click Browse, select the translation object, and click Open). The path you supply must be valid and the translation object extension must be .txo. This parameter is mandatory.
  11. In the Data File box, type the name of the data file you wish to use when translating data with the test map (or click Browse, select the data file, and click Open). If you supply a path, it must be valid.
  12. Click Run Test. While the test is running, this state is indicated in the information bar at the bottom of the dialog box. The Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor forwards the translation object and data file to the system where it is translated. Results are returned in the Web browser and text editor configured as the default for the machine, reporting success or any errors encountered.

    Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor also returns the translated data (if present, as a .txt file), an XML-formatted translation report (which is empty if no errors occurred), and the file/path location of the where Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor stored the data and translation report. If there is no translation report, Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor returns a file stating that no translation report is available. The Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor also returns the location of the files in a dialog box, to enable you to save them. These files are overwritten each time the Map Test feature is used. On the client machine, the translation report and output data are written to the directory where the translation object is located.

    Note: If you have not configured your operating system to specify default programs to open .txt and .xml files, the test result files may not be automatically displayed. If this is the case, however, you can locate and open the files using the file/path location returned in the post-test message box.

If Sterling B2B Integrator Map Editor is unable to test the map, it displays an error message noting the problem encountered, which enables you to correct the specified error and re-test the map.