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z/TPF C/C++ Performance Hints


For those accustomed to programming with the z/OS C/C++ compiler for the TPF 4.1 system, the application landscape might seem identical in the z/TPF system. It is not. The performance guidelines you might have used in the past changed a little. This article explains these changes as applicable to gcc and g++.


In the z/TPF system, everything is implemented as a shared object library; even traditional TPF assembler segments are members of a z/TPF-unique shared object type called a BAL shared object (BSO). There are no longer distinctions between DLL, DLM, or LLM library types. A shared object library must have at least one member and can consist of any number of members as needed to suit your design and implementation requirements.

Any shared object can have only one entry point that is callable by an ENTxC service; but it may have multiple external entry points that are callable by external references. These types of entry points are resolved by the linkage editor and by the z/TPF system on a dynamic basis, invoking the system's enter/back service.

Calls between members of the same shared object library are resolved without enter/back intervention. This linkage method is much faster than enter/back because the system does not have to participate.

There is no longer an entity called "writeable static storage", as there was in TPF 4.1. In the z/TPF system, writable data pages (note the terminology change from "writeable static") do not cause copy activity unless you write to them. The pages are mapped to the current ECB virtual memory (EVM) as read-only shared pages and handled with copy-on-write processing in your EVM. The first time any copy-on-write page is written to (even for just one byte), the entire page is copied to a private page that is mapped to your EVM; the code uses this private page instead of the read-only copy. This operation is triggered by a hardware exception called a page fault, which also has performance costs associated with it.

The compiler family and the object module formats have changed. The z/OS C/C++ compiler is no longer used and is replaced by gcc and g++. The PM1-PM3 load module and OBJ/XOBJ relocatable object formats were replaced by a single format called ELF, which is very similar in its relocatable (unlinked) and absolute (linked) forms and more readily understood than its predecessors. Every detail of the ELF format is well-documented.

The following recommendations take all of these factors into consideration.


Considerations for C language only:

1. Disable the “common block” unless you understand its implications and costs.

This Fortran-like extension of the C language is unique to gcc, and is enabled by default. Use the -fno-commoncommand line option to disable it. While inspired by Fortran, the term "common block" as applied to gcc is a misnomer; individual data objects are marked common in the relocatable object, not grouped into isolated blocks. Common data objects may reside in any ELF section.

Use of this feature causes all data objects declared in file scope to be marked common in the relocatable object. A later link edit operation against two or more different relocatable objects maps identically named data objects marked common into the same storage address, irrespective of their possibly different types. This behavior can cause some seemingly unreproducible and asynchronous run-time errors when it is used naïvely.

You can use the common block safely only if you are: (a) aware that it is in effect, and (b) understand its effects and scope. g++ does not use the common block, so if you choose to use it, understand that it is restricted to C only. Otherwise, use the-fno-commonoption.

Using the common block means that you are going to write to a copy-on-write memory page. Avoid this practice for performance reasons.


2. Use static inline functions instead of preprocessor macros whenever possible.

The compiler generates inline code at the call point for any function that is defined as staticinline. This action omits the linkage overhead and external reference generation. Inlined functions are just as fast as preprocessor macros and much easier to maintain, because you can represent complex logic without having to worry about preprocessor rules. gcc will not generate any inline code at -O0; you must optimize at level -O1 or higher.


Considerations common to C and C++:

1. Avoid altering constants.

Not only will altering constants risk unnecessary copy-on-write activity, but certain optimization techniques merge constants. Altering an in-memory value that you think is constant and isolated might have adverse consequences.


2. It is possible to debug optimized code.

There is no longer any reason to develop and test at no optimization (-O0). You can safely debug at all levels of optimization. Understand that certain optimizations might reorder instructions, remove variables from the debugger view, eliminate common expressions, eliminate useless instructions, or eliminate intermediate data objects; any of which can be confusing as you debug. Depending on your tolerance for these kinds of changes to your original code, you might wish to lower the optimization level during unit test. You are free to make the choice that suits you.


3. The compiler is better than you are at optimizing code.

Do not try to optimize code by moving statements around, sequencing automatic storage, or engaging in similar techniques -- the compiler will do this anyway as long as you choose to optimize at levels 1 through 3. Instead, cooperate with the optimizer by inlining aggressively.


4. Consider using the maximum level of optimization (-O3) instead of lower levels.

In gcc and g++, there are over 100 possible optimization techniques that you can select individually, or you can enable over 80 of the most useful of these by simply passing the level 3 optimization option (-O3) on the command line. Most significantly, the compilers attempt to generate inline functions that meet certain size tests without you having to do anything in code.


5. Avoid writing inline assembler.

gcc and g++ both have the asm() construct, which permits you to write inline assembler instructions within its bounds.

The drawback to using inline assembler is that it impedes optimization. Avoid using it except when absolutely necessary.


6. Use internal linkage instead of enter/back or external linkage whenever possible.

A function call between members of the same shared object library occurs without interference from the operating system, which results in the shortest path length during a control transfer.

External function calls (calls on external labels between members of different shared object libraries) call enter/back indirectly.

Enter/back linkage involves system intervention whether it is used directly or indirectly.

Use either enter/back or external linkage if you must; but consider your alternatives.


7. Pass values as function arguments instead of referring to file-scoped, static, or extern storage whenever possible.

The goal is to keep as many data objects on the stack or in the heap as possible. As previously explained, using data objects outside of these storage areas risks unnecessary copy-on-write activity.


8. Avoid writing functions that have more than 5 arguments.

The zSeries ELF Application Binary Interface Supplement document states that up to five integer arguments are passed from the calling function to the called function in general registers 2-6. If there are six or more arguments, additional arguments are saved in storage, which impedes high performance.


9. When writing assembly language subroutines for C/C++ programs, use PRLGC instead of TMSPC as the prolog macro.

The TMSPC macro has a TPF 4.1 parameter passing interface, which means the macro allocates storage for and stores the register-resident arguments into a simulated Type-1 parameter list. This allows you to migrate existing assembler programs of this type more easily. However, this parameter-handling scheme always causes extra path length. The PRLGC macro respects the ELF ABI use of R2-R6, which avoids excess instructions.


Considerations for C++ only:

1. Use C++ only when your needs require its features.

Compilation in C++ generates larger code and has certain runtime overhead that makes C++ marginally more expensive than C in terms of performance.

Code in C++ where appropriate; otherwise, code in C.


2. struct and a class are the same things in C++.

Even a struct has default constructors (instantiation and copy), a default assignment operator, and a default destructor. Like a class, a struct might have member functions or virtual functions (or both). Declaration of a const data member has initialization constraints that do not exist in C.


3. C++ support is at the 1998 ISO standard level. Treat namespaces as mandatory.

The std:: namespace exists in all the standard C++ headers and must be referenced with a using statement if you plan to use its identifiers without redundant scope qualification. The objective is to keep the global namespace uncluttered. In the spirit of this goal, partition your user-defined classes and data objects into uniquely-identified namespaces, too.


4. Prefer the C language stdio.h family to the C++ stream classes derived from ios .

These classes (fstreamistreamostreamiostream, and relatives) multiply inherit in both lateral and vertical directions; they call all required constructors and destructors at the appropriate times. Their C language counterparts, such as the printf function, can usually perform the same job at a much lower cost.


5. Beware of temporary objects.

The C++ compiler generates temporary objects when it needs to preserve intermediate results (or rvalues), most commonly in the resolution of an arithmetic-style expression that consists of more than one operation. Certain types of conversion operations and initializations also can cause the compiler to generate temporaries.

This is not serious when the operation involves plain old data types (such as intdouble,char, and similar); but can impact performance when user-defined data types are the operands.

A temporary object impacts performance because the constructor and destructor of the object must be run during the evaluation of the expression. In addition, the compiler might generate code to run a copy constructor if the particular operation requires it.

Just to make all this a little worse, the compiler can allocate temporary objects from the default source (usually the heap) used by the allocator method of the class, which is more overhead than you might notice as you write that innocent-looking expression.

Sometimes there is no alternative to creating an rvalue. However, if you are designing a class with overloaded operators and conversion functions, you often can handle the operation and assignment at the same time, which can prevent the compiler from generating temporaries.


6. Hide inline class methods.

g++ treats function members of a class (methods) as inline when their definition appears in the context of their enclosing class declaration and optimization levels permit inlining.

C++ language rules require that the compiler generates external labels for such methods, even when they are unnecessary. The use of templates amplifies this behavior.

Use the -fvisibility-inlines-hidden command line option to prevent the compiler from generating these externals. This reduces module size and saves useless relocations from happening when the module is loaded.


7. Improve your knowledge of C++ at every opportunity.

C++ is not a simple programming language that is useful for every circumstance. It has many features that have subtle but iron-clad meanings. Troubles arise when programmers attempt to violate those meanings.

There are many choices available to you to solve all kinds of problems; knowing which to choose can mean the difference between a poorly performing program and one that works efficiently.

We strongly suggest that you read journals, books, and other publications designed to extend your understanding of the C++ programming language.

This article was written by Jim Tison and Bob Kopac of the IBM TPF Development Lab.  

We received a question about this article that I wanted to post here as well. 
Read the section on file scoped static, recommending pass by value.
Have need for a 700 entry array of char * [3][ ] with {“100?,”litteral constant messages”,”2254?},… as an initializer.
In a TPF 4.1 implementation, Two methods of a new class will reference the array, so my first thought was to define a file scope, static const.
Given the array is ONLY read, do you see a performance hit or worse, code failure, for having a ‘large’ char * array as static?
What follows is the TPF Development Lab response to the question: 
Passing this array of arrays by value might not make sense — that’s a lot of space you’re talking about. You’d have to make a copy of all the data you’re going to pass (over 16 KB) which — all by itself — will occupy either 5 or 6 pages (depending on how deeply into its first page the [0][0]th element is) on the parm list. Or you could much more simply and cheaply just pass a pointer to the [0][0]th element and be done with it; in other words, I’d recommend you pass this particular argument by reference.
Looking forward to z/TPF, you have to consider the addressing mode (AMODE) of the callee in this discussion. If you have an AMODE=31 callee, then it might be worthwhile to make a copy of this aggregate in below-the-2G-bar storage.
As to where the ‘primary copy’ of this array of arrays lives, have you considered TPF global storage? If these are truly read-only or updated very infrequently, they’d make a nice global, as well as making them addressible to all programs. But I’ll presume you’ve investigated this approach and rejected it for some valid reason. Limiting myself to a discussion of z/TPF (not TPF 4.1), we are left with three other places we could store this data, and we will always pass references to them via a pointer to element [0][0] when we pass it as a function argument:
1. In a control section of the program, either .data or .rodata, depending on how you’ve qualified your aggregate. This means you’d code the array of arrays and its initialzers in file scope. This would go into control section .data if it’s not qualified as read-only, or into control section .rodata if you’ve made it read-only with the ‘const’ qualifier. As long as you don’t write on this data, there is no performance loss whatsoever. If you write on any of those pages, you start incurring the expense of copy-on-write behavior, which will happen just once per affected page.
2. On the stack. Here we need to consider the overhead involved in making that stack-based copy from constants stored in the .rodata section of your program. You are just assuming the cost of copying 5 or 6 pages instead of the CP.
3. On the heap. This is probably the safest and useable approach by all programs; but it is also the most expensive. You would incur the overhead of making the copy just like #2, then we have to allocate and later free that memory, unless you’re close enough to EXITC where a memory leak of that size won’t hurt you.
So, which would I choose if I wanted to keep resource consumption at an absolute minimum? I’d go for #1, presuming that I have a 100% read-only use for the data and I know that my callee and all of its downline users of those data share my addressing mode. If I have callees of unknown AMODEs, I think I’d go with #3. While we certainly want to avoid otherwise avoidable expenses, we have to remember that the most expensive program of all is the one that doesn’t work.
If you would like to have a further, more in depth discussion on this, please feel free to contact your CSR 

Note:  Additional information on this topic can be found at:  https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/zTPF/entry/benefits_of_the_fnocommon_compile_option_peter_lemieszewski?lang=en