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Name-value pair exit logging sample code


The name-value pair exit logging sample code helps you determine where you need to set name-value pairs in your application code base. This sample code is available for download from the TPF Family of Products: Drivers web page.  This code is not designed to be used in a production environment; it is a tool to help your investigations in test system environments.

With the name-value pair exit logging code, you can log when an ECB exits without a name-value pair. The names of the originating programs are logged in system heap storage. The sample code is provided in the UCCEXI CP user exit and the URS2 E-type user exit.  You must modify the UCCEXI user exit to limit which segments you want to include in the log. The data can be accessed with the UMMNVP1 CINFC tag or with the ZDSHP command. For each entry, the system heap storage will contain the name of the segment and the number of hits. You also can write code to copy the data to a file for further analysis. The name-value pair exit logging starts after you activate the UCCEXI user exit and ends when the user exit is deactivated.

For more information about name-value pair support, see z/TPF product documentation in IBM Knowledge Center.