IBM Support

Using the UBX Dynamic Event Library for data syndication use cases

Technical Blog Post


Using the UBX Dynamic Event Library for data syndication use cases


A recent update to IBM Universal Behavior Exchange delivered the UBX Dynamic Event Library.  As the name implies, the UBX Dynamic Event Library provides a dynamic, up to date view of each of the UBX recognized event types across all of the UBX event categories in the taxonomy, spanning web, email, mobile, social, CRM and other customer behavior event categories.

Business users can select from a category or perform a search of any event types they might need to work with as show below in step 1 “Select an event type”:



Each of the recognized UBX event types for the chosen category are listed in the second column, for instance customer social behavior event types in the example above.  UBX business users can then select a specific event type and the Dynamic Event Library will display the event code and each of the event type’s attribute fields, for instance a Facebook Like Page event in the example below:




Clicking on the “I” information icon to the right of any of the attributes will display the data type, description and code name for that attribute:



The Dynamic Event Library can display which production UBX endpoint solutions are publishers or subscribers or the event type by clicking “Select publishers and subscribers”:



Selecting the publisher or subscriber UBX endpoint solution that the business user would like more details regarding support for the event type in that particular endpoint solution will show which event attributes are and are not supported by that endpoint solution:




For business users as well as IBM business partners designing use cases for UBX event syndication, this capability of the Dynamic Event Library is very effective to help identify which event types and specific event attributes are supported across the various event publishers and subscribers being linked up in these use cases, to determine if key attributes required for realizing the use case are supported by the linked publishers and subscribers.

For instance, a use case aiming to leverage customer events for logging in to an application or service using the customer’s social network credentials such as for Facebook, to inform marketing and customer engagement programs in IBM Marketing Cloud can determine which publishers and subscribers support  the “Connected with social” UBX event type and which specific event attributes are supported by any of these event publishers and subscribers:



The UBX business user can then proceed to establish an event subscription between the desired event publisher and subscriber endpoints in UBX to start data syndication for activating their use case:


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Product":{"code":"SS9JVY","label":"IBM Universal Behavior Exchange"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

