IBM Support

Upcoming UBX Webinars

Technical Blog Post


Upcoming UBX Webinars


This page is dedicated to let the clients know on the upcoming webinars:


3/28: Salesforce Integration with UBX

Join this webinar and you will learn about the following topics: 

  • Overview of Salesforce and UBX Integration.
  • Business use case.
  • UBX and Salesforce integration process.
  • Demo of non-CRMi method
  • Troubleshooting and FAQ.
  • How to reach UBX Support / Forum ?


When:  Wednesday, 28 March, 2018 from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST


Meeting URL:
Dial in details: Will be provided when you log into the webex
Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any questions.



Past Webinars:

10/12:  Google Analytics Integration with UBX

Join this webinar and you will learn about the following topics: 

- Introduction to UBX integration with Google Analytics
- Setup the integration between IBM UBX and Google Analytics.
- Registering the Google Analytics Endpoint on UBX.
- How to generate the UBX scripts?
- Common Business usecase.
- Demonstration of the functionalities.


Meeting URL:
Dial in details: Will be provided when you log into the webex




8/9:  Introduction to UBX Toolkit 1.3

Join this webinar and you will learn about the following topics: 
· Introduction to Toolkit. 
· What is toolkit? 
· When do we use it? 
· Events and Audience Download/Upload. 
· Events and Audience Import.

Please use the link below to register for this webinar:


8/23:  Introduction to Universal Behavior Exchange, Use cases, Available Features in UBX

Join this webinar and you will learn about the following topics:

- Introduction to UBX
- UBX Ecosystem
- Getting access to UBX
- Common business use cases
- Demonstration of the functionalities.- Reaching Support


Please use the link below to register for this webinar:


6/28:  Connecting IBM Digital Analytics to Watson Campaign Automation(previously IMC/Engage) thru UBX.

Join this webinar and you will learn about the following topics:

- Configurations that need to be done in Digital Analytics 
- Configurations that need to be done in UBX
- Configurations that need to be done in WCA.
- Common business use cases
- Demonstration of the end to end integration.


Please use the link below to register for this webinar:



7/6:  Introduction to Universal Behavior Exchange, Use cases, Available Features in UBX


Join this webinar and you will learn about the following topics:

- Introduction to UBX
- UBX Ecosystem
- Getting access to UBX
- Common business use cases
- Demonstration of the functionalities.- Reaching Support


Please use the link below to register for this webinar:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Product":{"code":"SS9JVY","label":"IBM Universal Behavior Exchange"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

