IBM Support

DSP(Demand Side Platform) Integration- Java script Generation tool

Technical Blog Post


DSP(Demand Side Platform) Integration- Java script Generation tool


The ID sync is required for UBX integration with any demand-side platform.
To perform an ID sync, you need to combine JavaScript that invokes the ID sync with your demand-side platform pixel. Below is an example of generating the Javascript for Mediamath(DSP).

Generating Java Script:
Go to this page:
1) For the UBX Host, enter:
2) For the DSP Endpoint Authorization Key, enter the auth key for the MediaMath endpoint: You can get this from UBX UI. Please contact support if you don't know how to get the authorization key.
3) Select "IBM Engage" for the Partner Endpoint Type
4) Select "MediaMath" for the DSP Endpoint Type
5) Click on the "Retrieve ID Fields" button which will retrieve the identifiers info from UBX for your endpoint. After this, the DSP ID Name should be populated with "DSPID_MEDIAMATH" and the Partner ID Name should be populated with "ECID" (if not, you can manually select them)
6) Click on the "Generate Script" button and you should see the generated the script on the right side.
7) Read the instruction section. Basically you need to put the script into your website or a test website, load the page, verify the traffic in the browser and verify the events are coming into UBX. 

You can also refer to DSP integration details in UBX documentation at the below link:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Product":{"code":"SS9JVY","label":"IBM Universal Behavior Exchange"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

