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What's new for December 2016

Technical Blog Post


What's new for December 2016


Struggle analytics automatically detects struggle

As IBM continues to be the industry leader in cognitive, IBM Tealeaf Customer Experience on Cloud
harnesses the power of cognitive computing with the new Struggle Analytics feature. Struggle Analytics
automatically detects struggle with little to no human intervention.

How does struggle analytics work?

As data flows into IBM Tealeaf Customer Experience on Cloud, that data is processed through an
additional series of server components. These components are complex, machine-learning algorithms
developed by our award-winning data science team. The algorithms will assess each session against a
number of attributes, many of which are out-of-the-box. Our IBM Tealeaf Customer Experience on Cloud
clients will also have the ability to add their own client-defined events to be included in this assessment.

Using struggle analytics data to make business decisions

Here are three key ways you  can use struggle analytics to make business decisions:

  • Struggle score: Each session is assigned a Struggle score which  ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the higher the confidence level of that customer session having struggled. IBM Customer Experience on Cloud clients can replay these sessions to help prioritize fixes for site issues that are having a negative impact on their bottom line.
  • Struggle analytics Page view: This default view shows the user the top pages where struggle occurred. It displays the proportion of struggling visits and the average score of struggling visits. Pages which are critical are highlighted in red, an indication to the client that set of pages should be prioritized for site issue resolution.
















A user can also drill into each page to see trends for struggle visits and scores.














  • Struggle analytics Session view: This default view is sorted by the struggle score. It surfaces the top sessions where struggle occurred so the user can focus their time on the sessions that matter most to their bottom line.




















Struggle Analytics demonstration

Do you want to see a demonstration of Struggle Analytics?  Click here to watch this very informative 8 minute video.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSES6Y","label":"Tealeaf Customer Experience on Cloud"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB31","label":"WCE Watson Marketing and Commerce"}}]

