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Rational Publishing Engine - Educational videos

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Rational Publishing Engine - Educational videos


Sharing some of the latest Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) educational videos.



RPE Document Builder: Automatic deployment to WebSphere Liberty  - The IBM Rational Publishing Engine Document Builder web application is now automatically deployed to the WebSphere Liberty application server when you install Rational Publishing Engine. No manual configuration is required for deployment. This video was recorded using Rational Publishing Engine version 

For more information, see Deploying Document Builder on WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile


RPE: Microsoft Excel output improvements - Learn how to take advantage of the latest enhancements to Microsoft Excel output in IBM Rational Publishing Engine. You can now span rows and columns, output images in cells, insert a new worksheet, and specify the names of subsequent sheets. This video was recorded using Rational Publishing Engine version 

For more information, see Microsoft Excel output reference for designing templates


RPE Document Builder: Simplified Jazz Team Server authentication - Jazz SSO authentication, if you are logged into Document Builder , you do not have to enter the data source credentials again when generating a document with data from any CLM applications that use the same JTS. This video was recorded using Rational Publishing Engine version

For more information, see Configuring Jazz Team Server container authentication for Document Builder and Configuring Jazz Team Server single sign-on authentication for Document Builder


RPE Document Builder: Sending a test email - Administrators for IBM Rational Publishing Engine Document Builder can now test whether email notification settings are working correctly by sending a test email. This video was recorded using Rational Publishing Engine version 

For more information, see Administering Document Builder

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSUBFB","label":"IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

