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Smarter Support Hands-on Workshop: IBM Case Manager View Case History with the Timeline Visualizer Widget

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Smarter Support Hands-on Workshop: IBM Case Manager View Case History with the Timeline Visualizer Widget




Smarter Support Hands-on Workshop:  IBM Case Manager View Case History with the Timeline Visualizer Widget

imageThe Smarter Support Zone at IBM Insight will be the place to be next week! Not only will you be able to talk with Support Analysts and S&S experts, you can also expand your BI prowess with one of the over fifty hands-on workshops.

Here is a taste of what to expect from the Smarter Support Hands-on Workshops with a ECM Support exclusive sneak-peek at IBM Case Manager View Case History with the Timeline Visualizer Widget

Remember to follow the #smartersupport hashtag on Twitter and Smarter Support on tumblr to get the latest information about the Smarter Support Zone while you're at Insight.


IBM® Case Manager can optimize case outcomes and increase customer satisfaction by empowering knowledge workers. It provides case workers access to structured and unstructured information from various types of applications or storage systems. IBM Case Manager, IBM's award-winning Advanced Case Management (ACM) offering, provides flexible process controls, access to powerful analytics and dashboards, and an array of industry-specific business partner solutions to enable rapid time to value.


IBM Case Manager:

  • Gives knowledge workers the control and insight they need to resolve cases more effectively.

  • Provides near real-time access to the documentation, structured data and analytics required to make complex decisions.

  • Offers agile design capabilities to help reduce time to market and enable rapid application updates.

  • Extends IBM Content Navigator to ACM applications, enabling access to and update of case files from virtually any location through mobile connectivity and cloud solutions.

  • Supports a full Enterprise Content Management (ECM) suite, including records management, complex search and content analytics.

Workshop Objectives

The objective of the workshop is to create a new case in IBM Case Manager, work on the case as a case worker, and then view case and case history information using the Timeline Visualizer widget.

Getting Started

  1. Open a Mozilla® Firefox browser window.
  2. Navigate to the IBM Case Manager client bookmark.
  3. (The link is http://localhost:9080/navigator/?desktop=icm )
  4. Log on as the user P8Admin with the password IBMFileNetP8.

  5. In case you get the Authentication Required prompt below while logging into the IBM Case Manager client, click the OK button.
    Under the user name in the upper right-hand corner, make sure that the following solution and role are selected:
                  Case History Solution | Customer Service Rep
  6. If that role is not selected, you can click on the solution / role name , and select the correct one from the drop-down list.


Next steps

Add a New Case

  1. Click on the Add Case button. Select Auto Claims General. The Add Case tab is displayed where you can add a new case of the case type Auto Claims General.
  2. Enter some integer values for the following fields:
    • Estimate
    • Policy Number
    • Policy Phone Number
  3. Enter an alphanumerical string value for the Policy Family Name field. Make a note of this field value, as you will use it in a later step to find the case you created. Try to make up a name that is most likely unique. We will use the value Hunter4 as an example in these instructions.


  4. Click the Add button in the upper right-hand corner. The Work tab is displayed, where the tasks for your role (Customer Service Rep) are listed on the CSR Tasks subtab. A new task is listed here for the new case. It was launched when you added the new case.

    NOTE: If there are no tasks listed on the CSR Tasks subtab, wait a little bit and click on the subtab to refresh the display. It may take a few seconds before new tasks are listed.

    Process New Case
  5. Find that new task on the  CSR Tasks subtab. Use the Policy Family Name column and the Time Created columns to identify the task that was launched for the case you justcreated. Again, if you cannot find the task, wait a little bit and click on the subtab to refresh the display.
  6. Hover the mouse over Fill out FNOL in the Step Name column for the task until it turns into a link, then click on it. The Fill out FNOL tab is displayed. This is an IBM Case Manager page where you can process the task and then dispatch it to the next step in its workflow. We will not fill out all required information in this lab.
  7. Click on the comments button. The Comments dialog is displayed.
  8. Enter a message in the Comments field. For example: “Hunter4 filled out the FNOL data.” Then click the Add button, then click the Close button.
  9. On the Fill out FNOL page, click the Complete button in the upper right-hand corner. The CSR Tasks subtab on the Work tab is listed again. Now your task should be at the next step called Complete Data Collection in the workflow.
  10. Find your task again using the Policy Family Name column and the Time Created columns. The Step Name column has the value Complete Data Collection.
  11. Hover the mouse over Complete Data Collection in the Step Name column for the task until it turns into a link, then click on it. The Complete Data Collection tab is displayed.
  12. Click on the Agent_Group drop-down list where you see No items to display. A user selection dialog is displayed
  13. Type P8Admin in the Search for edit box, where you see Name starts with.
  14. Click on the magnifier icon. The P8Admin user is displayed in the list box of available users.
  15. Click on the P8Admin user in the list box of available users, then on the right arrow button in the middle to move the P8Admin user name to the list box of selected users. Then click the OK button.
  16. Click on the comments button. The Comments dialog is displayed. Note that the Comment entered at the previous task step os displayed in the Comments dialog.
  17. Enter a message in the Comments field. For example: “Hunter4 completed the data collection.” Then click the Add button, then click the Close button.
  18. On the Complete Data Collection page, click the OK to Proceed button in the upper right-hand corner.
    Now the task will no longer be listed on the CSR Tasks subtab, as it is assigned to a different role

    Now the task will no longer be listed on the CSR Tasks subtab, as it is assigned to a different role.

    Search for the New Case
  19. Click on the Cases tab while still logged into the Case Manager client as the P8Admin user with the Customer Service Rep role.
  20. Click on the Search drop-down list where you see Date of Loss and select Policy Family Name. In the blank edit box that is displayed under the drop-down list, Enter the  Policy Family Name you used when you created the case. In these instructions, the sample value is Hunter4.
  21. Click the Search button. In the pane on the right-hand side, the case you created should be listed. You can confirm it is your case by checking the values for the Policy Family Name and the Modified On columns.


  22. Click on the case title in the Title column. This is an auto-generated internal value, also known as case ID, that identifies the case. The case details tab is displayed, which shows case data. The tab displays the case ID. The bottom pane in the browser window displays the Timeline Visualizer widget.

    NOTE: It is possible you cannot complete the next two steps immediately. This may happen especially when you perform the steps of the lab very quickly, and display the case details tab quickly after creating and processing the case. The data displayed by the Timeline Visualizer widget is refreshed from the Case History database every two minutes. If you cannot find the data referenced in the next two steps, hit the refresh button of the Timeline Visualizer widget a few times


    Work with the Timeline Visualizer Widget
  23. Click on the + icon next to the case ID in the Timeline Visualizer widget. A new line for the Gather Claim Data task is displayed.


  24. Click on the + icon next to the Gather Claim Data task name. The task steps are displayed: Fill out FNOL, Complete Data Collection and Estimate Request. Earlier, you processed the task at the first two steps: Fill out FNOL and Complete Data Collection.
  25. Hover with the mouse over the top of the Timeline Visualizer widget until the mouse icon changes to the up-and-down arrow and the pane separator is displayed. Drag the pane separator up a little bit, so that the entire contents of the Timeline Visualizer widget is visible.


  26. Hover the mouse over the timeline marker at the top of the Timeline Visualizer widget on the right-hand side until the mouse pointer icon turns into a hand. Start dragging the marker slowly to the left. Notice that a second timeline is displayed below. The second timeline keeps changing dynamically. It always shows the time period between the two markers in the timeline at the top. The scale of the horizontal bars next to the task name and the task step names is also dynamically adjusted to show only the period between the timeline markers. This is how you can zoom into a shorter time range. This feature is useful for cases with a long history.


  27. Notice the vertical lines inside the bars for the task and task steps. These lines indicate events. The bar next to the Gather Claim Data task should have two vertical lines inside, and the bars next to the task names Fill out FNOL and Complete Data Collection should have one vertical line inside each. If you see fewer vertical lines, then either the time period between the timeline markers is too short (try sliding the markers out), or the widget does not have all the case history data (try hitting the Refresh button).
  28. Click on the first vertical line inside the horizontal bar next to the Gather Claim Data task. This vertical line marks the event of adding a comment on the Fill out FNOL tab. The pop-up dialog will display that comment.


  29. Click the X icon in the upper right-hand corner of the pop-up dialog.
  30. Click on the second vertical line inside the horizontal bar next to the Gather Claim Data task. This vertical line marks the event of adding a comment on the Complete Data Collection tab. The pop-up dialog will display that comment.
  31. Still in the pop-up dialog, click on the binoculars icon. The pop-up will show additional internal information about the task.
  32. Click the X icon in the upper right-hand corner of the pop-up dialog.
  33. Click anywhere inside the bars next to the Gather Claim Data task or Fill out FNOL  or Complete Data Collection steps, but not on the vertical lines. Pop-up dialogs with additional information about the status of the task and the step will be displayed.



    Time to log off
    Once you are done viewing the Timeline Visualizer widget, click the Close button in the  upper right-hand corner of the browser window. Then click on the user name P8Admin in the upper right-hand corner and click Log Out. Click the Log Out button to answer the prompt “Do you want to log out of the web client?”

    You have completed this workshop.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSNVNV","label":"FileNet Content Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

