IBM Support

Sample External Data Service (EDS) for IBM Case Manager

Technical Blog Post


Sample External Data Service (EDS) for IBM Case Manager


Download the sample code that illustrates how to build a sample external data service to use with IBM Case Manager, Version 5.1.  External data integration is a feature of IBM Case Manager that allows certain information about case properties, such as choice lists, to come from an external data source.

The sample external data service is distributed as a self-contained ZIP file.  Extract the ZIP file to a location of your choice.  The expanded file structure includes JAVA source files, configuration files, and an Apache Ant script to build the application. The expanded structure also includes two technical documents that describe how to build and use the sample.

The sample can be downloaded and expanded to any machine. However, by default, the build files are configured to reference JAR files that are located on a machine where IBM Case Manager is installed.  The build files can be modified to match your particular environment.

After you download the sample, see the included document UsingSampleExternalDataService.pdf for more information about building and using the sample service. The sample is a Java servlet-based web application that must be deployed to a WebSphere Application Server environment.  After the application is deployed, a URI to the service must also be registered to a solution in IBM Case Manager.

Download the code

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

