IBM Support

ICM To-do Lists and Task Properties

Technical Blog Post


ICM To-do Lists and Task Properties


The new IBM Case Manager 5.2.1 release contains a range of new capabilities that makes the creation of case style solutions even easier.

To-do Tasks are one of these new capabilities. Together with another new feature called Task Properties, To-do tasks allow the creation of case tasks that do not have an underlying workflow, but still participate in a case like other tasks.


To-do tasks are created just any other tasks by selecting the new option from Case Builder's Add Task menu.

They can be configured to be automatic (available when a case is created) or discretionary (added to a case by the end user).

They can also be a member of a Container Task, whose preconditions can determine when its contents are made available, if at all.

To-do tasks do not have an underlying workflow associated with them. They are completed when indicated as such by the end user.

They can be as simple as a "do something" task; using the task name to indicate what is to be done, or can include additional properties that may be needed before the To-do can be marked complete. These properties use the new Task Properties feature where properties can be associated with each task instance itself and stored on the task object within the case. Prior to ICM 5.2.1, these task specific properties either had to be added to the case data or stored elsewhere using custom development.

With To-do Tasks, you can even use the View Editor to lay out how the properties are displayed when the task is expanded in the client.



At runtime, To-do tasks are displayed in their own page widget. This widget can be configured in Case Builder's Page Editor to show only the To-do tasks you want for the specific page (and therefore role).



For those who want to customize To-do tasks, we have just created a new developerWorks article that shows how flexible and extensible the ICM framework is.

We hope you like this new feature (you can like this blog entry to let use know!) and use it in your ICM 5.2.1 solutions right away.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

