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How many case management solutions can you cover in one IOD session?

Technical Blog Post


How many case management solutions can you cover in one IOD session?


(not enough... we needed two sessions)
Last week I was at the Information on Demand conference talking with customers and partners about case management.  It was exciting and exhausting.  Members of our early feedback program were there in full force, and we dedicated two sessions to highlighting some of their case-based solutions.  These solutions cover a range of industries and use cases: complex claims handling, eContracts, government law drafting, consumer loyalty program management, military task handling, and more.  Both sessions were well attended (even though the second one was late on the last day of the conference... thank you for sticking it out!)
Over and over again, we saw a set of patterns emerge across these solutions:
  • Case handling can be complex and often requires the case to follow an ad-hoc path that can't always be pre-determined.  IBM Case Manager's support for breaking rigid (and often tangled) workflows down into Tasks has allowed all of these solutions to be richer, more adaptable, and easier to support
  • With IBM Case Manager, business and IT stakeholders can participate together to rapidly design, iterate on, and deliver real-world case-based solutions.  We've seen an example where an entire case-based mortgage processing solution was built out in just a few months.
  • All of these solutions can work with and leverage existing systems.  Case Manager's modular design (from its UI to its Tasks to its APIs) allows case solutions to integrate with existing applications at many levels.  "Rip-and-replace" is never required for case management success.
Learn more about these solutions by checking out these two presentations: Session 2287A and Session 2287B.  Or better yet, reach out to any of the IBM Business Partners referenced in those presentations for more details.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

