IBM Support

How do I programmatically pre-fill some case property values on a case add page?

Technical Blog Post


How do I programmatically pre-fill some case property values on a case add page?


Here's a slight twist on a previous entry where I showed how to
dynamically add choice values to an Add Task page. For this one, we want to pre-fill some case properties on Add Case page and set one of the property fields to be read only. Here's how:

  • Add a Scrip Adapter widget to your Add Case page and rename it "Prefill"
  • Wire the Page Container's Send New Case Information event to the inbound event on your Prefill Script Adapter
  • Add the following script to your Script Adapter, replacing the property name with one from your solution
/* Requires ICM */

console.log(,": ",payload);

require(["icm/base/Constants", "icm/model/properties/controller/ControllerManager"], function(Constants, ControllerManager) {
   /* Get the coordination and editable objects from the event payload. */
   var solutionPrefix = payload.caseType.getSolution().getPrefix();
   var coordination = payload.coordination;
   var editable = payload.caseEditable;

   /* Change me to your property name */
   var theProperty = solutionPrefix + "_CaseStage";

   /* Use the LOADWIDGET coordination topic handler to obtain the controller binding */
   /* for the editable and to update the properties. */
   coordination.participate(Constants.CoordTopic.LOADWIDGET, function(context, complete, abort) {
      /* Obtain the controller binding for the editable. */
      var collectionController = ControllerManager.bind(editable);

      /* Start a batch of changes. */

      /* Make the updates to the properties. */
      collectionController.getPropertyController(theProperty).set("value", "0");
      collectionController.getPropertyController(theProperty).set("readOnly", true);

      /* Complete a batch of changes. This tells all subscribed widgets to refresh. */

      /* Call the coordination completion method. */

   /* Use the AFTERLOADWIDGET coordination topic handler to release the controller binding for the editable. */
   coordination.participate(Constants.CoordTopic.AFTERLOADWIDGET, function(context, complete, abort) {
      /* Release the controller binding for the editable. */

      /* Call the coordination completion method. */


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

