IBM Support

Allow popup of a case document as an option to using the viewer widget

Technical Blog Post


Allow popup of a case document as an option to using the viewer widget


The Case Information widget has an option for its Case Document view where you can specify whether to view documents in the Viewer widget or always view them in a popup window and don't send the document event to the viewer.

In this use case, we want to support both; a normal view displays the document in the Viewer widget, but an alternate "open in popup" command from the More Actions menu or right-click menu allows the user to pop up a new window and leave it around for reference.

The first step for this is adding a custom menu to the Case Information Documents panel.

  • Go into Edit Page mode
  • Edit the Case Information widget's setting by selecting the Edit Settings item from the widget's menu.
  • Click to the Documents tab
  • Add a custom menu item like "Open in Popup" and give it an event name like "doOpenDoc"
  • Add a hidden Script Adapter widget and wire its inbound event to your new doOpenDoc event which now shows up as an available wiring option
  • Enter the following JavaScript into the Script Adapter, replacing the "myServer" and "TOS01" with you server name and target object store name (note: you can prevent hard-coding of this by using some of the client Javasript APIs
var url = "https://myServer/WorkplaceXT/getContent?objectStoreName="
+ ecmwdgt.getBean("spaceConfig").getTargetOS()
+ "&id={" +"}&objectType=document";  
url = url.replace("idd_", "");,payload.systemProperties.docName,'height=500,width=600');


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

