IBM Support

TRY OUT :: example suppression/awaken function for OMNIbus

Technical Blog Post


TRY OUT :: example suppression/awaken function for OMNIbus


Hi folks,

I have put together two demo automations for OMNIbus that deal with event suppression and unsuppression based on requirements from discussions with customers.  I am making these available for folks to download, try out, and kick the tyres on.

Please do let me have your feedback if you think these functions are useful and any suggestions for modification you think necessary.  Please also let me know if you can think of any other correlation type functions that you think would be good to see in OMNIbus out-of-the-box.

The ultimate idea is that these functions will go into OMNIbus and be out-of-the-box functionality.  We are looking to include more and more out-of-the-box functions based on typical customer needs and usage.  Recent examples of such functionality include both X-in-Y and the self-monitoring capabilities.

Customers will then be able to simply switch functions on if and when they have need of them.  Not only will this reduce deployment time and time to value, it will also reduce custom configuration and hence reduce maintenance overhead and costs.

The two suppression/awaken functions are as follows (precis taken from the SQL file header):

--    This SQL file contains two suppression type automation functions.
--    awaken_suppressed
--    The first provides a function to unsuppress suppressed events after
--    a predefined period.  Events are initially suppressed in Probe rules
--    and have an AwakenAfter value set.  A trigger in the ObjectServer
--    then unsuppressed the event after the AwakenAfter number of seconds
--    have elapsed since the event's insertion into the ObjectServer.
--    Events are unsuppressed changing SuppressEscl from 4 (Suppressed)
--    to 0 (Normal).
--    suppress_common_label
--    The second will unsuppress events that are similarly labelled via
--    the EventLabel field if a predefined number of them have accumulated.
--    The labels and thresholds are set in a custom table and a temporal
--    trigger periodically fires to see if the threshold number of events
--    are present.  If they are, the trigger unsuppresses them by changing
--    SuppressEscl from 4 (Suppressed) to 0 (Normal).

The SQL file to both add and remove the functions can be downloaded from here.

Please leave your comments/thoughts below.

Many thanks,

 - Zane

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